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Our regular activities have been slightly changing over the years, taking into account the situation and problems in our country or in the world. Meaning, at the beginning of our journey, we have been mostly focused on the better employability of youth since in 2013, the numbers of unemployed young people were alarming, so we

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ADEL April 22 ,2024

Ako “Digitálna mládež (v seniorskom veku)” mení životy seniorov

Projekt “Digitálna mládež (v seniorskom veku)” sa nesie v duchu pochopenia, že nikdy nie je príliš neskoro na učenie a adaptáciu na nové technológie. Seniori, ktorí sú často vnímaní ako zraniteľná skupina v digitálnom svete, majú teraz možnosť stať sa digitálne gramotnými a získať zručnosti, ktoré im otvoria dvere do novej, digitálnej éry.

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ADEL April 22 ,2024

Digitálna mládež (v seniorskom veku): Nový projekt pre lepšiu digitálnu gramotnosť seniorov

V dobe, keď digitálna éra preniká do všetkých aspektov nášho života, zostávajú seniori často na okraji digitálnej spoločnosti. S cieľom zmeniť tento stav, Nadácia Pontis vo svojej grantovej výzve Zrelí na dobu digitálnu schválila náš projekt s názvom “Digitálna mládež (v seniorskom veku)”. Ide o inovatívny program zameraný na zvýšenie digitálnej gramotnosti a kritického myslenia

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ADEL April 22 ,2024

We are ambassadors for the European Parliament elections

Do you know how important the function of the European Parliament is for us? It affects our lives much more than you think, which is why we decided to take part in a project organised by ADEL Slovakia as two high school girls.

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ADEL March 27 ,2024

Interesting facts about us









If you participate in our projects, you can get


Do  you have head full of theoretical knowledge from school? You have a chance to  use that theoretical knowledge in practice, learn more about various topics and and improve your soft-skills.


Most of our projects are financed by EU, programme Erasmus+, therefore you are able to visit different country almost for free, get know different cultures and improve your English as well.


While participating in project, you will meet people from different corners of the world with whom  you will have a lot of fun and can create new friendships, projects, and maybe even  future families 🙂

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