Ping Pong Without Frontiers

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Date(s) - 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2022
All day

Project type Žiadne Kategórie

Selected participants

Ping Pong Senza Frontiere is a social inclusion project through table tennis targeting minors in fragile socio-economic conditions and  at risk of marginalization. Table tennis is an Olympic specialty, it is a complete sport for people of any age, in any socio-economic condition and capable of capturing adults and children with different psychomotor skills.

Activities of the project:

Kick-off meeting of partners  (due Covid19 online)

Mapping of the different local experiences in which sport is used to develop practices of social inclusion in order to identify main obstacles to practice ping pong. It will be done through interviews and analysis, selection – identification of all actors dealing with sport and education – schools, NGOs, sport organizations and Drafting the Common Protocol for Social Inclusion in Sports (CPSIS);

Training for trainers and sport managers in Rome (2 trainers + 1 person from ADEL) – training was organized in December 2021 and addressed four main themes
a) sport and social marginalization: the Common Protocol for Social Inclusion;
b) Sport, table tennis and interculturality;
c) Sport, table tennis in childhood and adolescence (theory and practice);
d) Table Tennis as mean for tackling sedentary lifestyles and staying healthy.
The training aimed to transfer knowledge and skills on issues related to access to sports by children and young people who are in conditions of social fragility. A special focus will be devoted to the strategies of “hooking up” children and young people who are effectively excluded from access to sports

Local Table Tennis Events for at least 15-20 children grouped into 3 different categories based on their age and their physical predisposition.

International Kids Table Tennis Tournament and Final conference in Senigallia, Italy (2-4 September 2022) – focused on the promotion of the project activities and how can sport tackle and reduce social exclusion (4 young people + 1 trainer + 1 person from ADEL).

Coordinator of the project is from italy Sport Senza Frontiere ONLUS.