SIYS – Social Inclusion Through Youth and Sport

Tréning SIYS – Social Inclusion Through Youth and Sport v
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Date(s) - 05/09/2016 - 09/09/2016
All day

Guimarães, Portugalsko

Project type

Selected participants

V dňoch 5 – 9 septembra sa v meste Guimarães, Portugalsku konal tréning s názvom “SIYS – Social Inclusion Through Youth and Sport” na ktorom sa zúčastnili aj 4 Slováci. Pri ceste na projekt sa zastavili v Ženeve, a po projekte si pozreli aj Porto…”Mne sa velmi pacilo. Program bol celkovo zaujímavý a aj vela sme toho stihli pozriet 🙂 Ale to je len čisto subjektívny názor, kedze to bol moj prvý projekt, no dufam, ze nie posledný ?” Peter, účastník tréningu.

Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:

Our project focused on the problem of social exclusion and the need to enhance the inclusive behavior through youth and physical/sport activity. Goes through the confrontation of its resolution through the contribution of youth and of physical/sport activity, acting directly on the youth sector. Through the training of youth workers in intervention for social inclusion among the young, it is possible to act preventively on a “disease” that after installed can become incurable. In this sense, it is necessary the training of youth workers to the social intervention to a comprehensive level, as a preventive factor and a resolution of one of the most serious problems of the current society: social exclusion.

Projekt bol podporený z programu Erasmus+ a hosťovaný organizáciou Apogesd.