EVS Hästekasen farm

Uddevalla EVS vo Švédsku
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Date(s) - 01/10/2017 - 31/10/2017
All day

Uddevalla, Sweden

Project type

Selected participants

  • Guest User

Summary what was EVS about and what Natalia was doing: 

Our mission was to empower ourselves and our visitors in self sustainability. Solving challenges in small scale food production. Exploring simple solutions for food, shelter, warmth, water and sewer. Basically “ruralisation” with a simple sustainable lifestyle in the context of the challenges that a globalized civilization poses. Specifically energy issues, ecology issues, and an unsustainable economy based on fossil fuel and debt. In light of these challenging times ahead we would like to show young people how they can become more independent.

“Don´t wait for someone to solve your needs or give you a job. Find ways on how to contribute to society. Become a producer of value.”

The intention with this short EVS was to give the volunteers an opportunity to try the place/host and maybe make the choice to return for a longer future EVS, at the host or in a similar organization.

We harvested, conserved food, prepared soil, tended animals, worked in the forest, with clay and wood, we discussed, enjoyed nature. The participants were taught the role of water and nutrition in food production, as well as the aspect of seasons and weather and climate.

We feel that our concept evolving around a farm where project participants “live, work and play” on the same location is quite unique and leads to positive impact on a personal level. Our day-to-day activities in the community benefits the individual as well as the host and their network. We aimed at producing self-confidence and inspire our participants to take responsibility for their own learning and embrace the idea of life-long-learning.

The idea with this short EVS was:
– Give participants a chance to “get a away” for some time and get a new perspective.
– To give participants a chance to try rural, community life and the special activities of Hästekasen.
– Be in a group and feel confirmed, respected, seen – usually by having a meaningful role. Identity shaping.
– Learn something new and grow as a person.
– Create something visible or clear and feel pride.
– To have fun and hang out with people of the same age, including romantic aspirations.

Natalia was doing her EVS together with volunteers from Austria Austria, France France, Spain Spain, Italy Italy, HungaryHungary, Poland Poland, Georgia Georgia and Estonia Estonia.

Participation in the project

If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:

1. Question:  What is your motivation to participate in the project?
2. Question:  How do you think you will use the knowledge and skills which you gain at this project in your future life?

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