Discovering Europe in my school!

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Dátum konania
01/10/2020 - 07/08/2021

Miesta konania
Nimes, France

Typ projektu:

Michal bol na ročnom dobrovoľníckom programe vo Francúzsku, v Europe House v meste Nimmes – Europe Direct Information Centre. Článok z projektu si môžete prečítať tu: 

About project:

The aim of the project was to facilitate the intercultural exchange between volunteers and students.

Main tasks of the volunteer:

– support the International relations office in communication tasks such as contacting foreignpartners and preparation of students’ mobility (application, interviews…)
– International Relations office tasks (e-mails, researches, translations…)
– animate workshops in English (assist the teachers) using non-formal learning methods
– give information about Europe (about mobility programmes)…
– volunteer’s personal projects and implement new ideas/activities such as the ESC solidarityprojects.
– other activities linked with the House of Europe: workshops with children, multicultural events…