Empowering Myself

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Dátum konania
24/11/2020 - 03/12/2020

Miesta konania
Covilhã, Portugal

Typ projektu:

Mládežnícka výmena o podnikaní a turizme sa uskutočnila v dňoch 24.11. – 3.12.2020 v portugalských horách.

Viac informácií o čom bola mládežnícka výmena:

The Youth Exchange “Empowering Myself” was a project organized by Wineyard Youth, had as a main topic the entrepreneurship in rural areas and the connection of youngsters role with this topic. This project pretended to connect the entrepreneurship with tourism. Designed to be funded by the Erasmus+ program, the Youth Eaxchange proposed as a scheduled dates from 24th November to 3rd December 2020. 

The Youth Exchange Empowering Myself had as a main objective the promoton of entrepreneurship competences in the youth european generation. Our objective was to make participants from different European countries think together and develop skills and methods.

We intended to make an impact at a personal level, giving them the tools to increase their employment opportunities while disseminating it on their own cities and turn them active and alive, being actively cooperative to their community. The activities were always arranged in a non-formal learning perspective, participatory methodologies that enable participants to learn in a practical and reflective way. This Youth Exchange also proposed the development of civic, social, creativity and teamwork skills among young European of different nationalities and different cultures.

Účastníci boli z Portugalska Portugal, Rumunska Romania, Španielska Spain,  Česka Czechia, a Slovenska Slovakia

Článok z predchádzajúcich projektov na rovnakom mieste si môžte prečítať tu:

a tu https://www.adelslovakia.org/pribehy-ucastnikov/do-divociny