Good Bye Job Hello Career

Good Bye Job Hello Career
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Dátum konania
01/11/2018 - 09/11/2018

Miesta konania
Gilwell Park, London

Typ projektu:

Cieľom mládežníckej výmeny v Londýne bolo pomôcť mladým ľuďom identifikovať ich zručnosti a kompetencie, aby si mohli plánovať kariéru, ktorá ich bude baviť a nie len nájsť si prácu, ktorá jednoducho zaplatí účty.

Ako výmenu hodnotia samotní účastníci?

“Ahoj, samotná téma projektu bola pre mňa dosť dobrá, dozvedel som sa nové veci ako sa orientovať na pracovnom trhu, ako sa predať, ako napísať dobré CV, či ako si splniť pracovné sny vytvorením plánu…. Super bolo to, že sme posledný deň programu mali voľno na spoznanie mesta. A taktiež som spoznal super ľudí, takže celkovo to za mňa hodnotím ako vydarený projekt.  :)”


“Ahoj 🙂 za mňa tiež veľmi podarený projekt, program bol dosť nabitý, dostali sme veľa užitočných rád (5 ročný plán, CV, selling yourself, ale aj ako sa rozhodovať pre svoje budúce smerovanie), cvičili sme sa v komunikácii, v spolupráci, spoznávali nové kultúry a v neposlednom rade spoznali veľa skvelých ľudí”


“Ahoj,  ja uplne súhlasím so zvyškom skupinky, za mna to isté, veľmi zaujímavá téma projektu a skvelí ľudia, určite výborné rozhodnutie zúčastniť sa.. :D!


Zhrnutie v angličtine o čom mládežnícka výmena bola?

With youth unemployment reaching over 45% in most EU countries we see that young people try to get the best education simply to secure a job, but is a job enough, what happened to searching for the right career? This youth exchange will focus on helping young people to identify their skills and competences in order for them to plan for careers rather than jobs which will simply pay the bills. We hope to empower young people to identify their skills and talents and to plan for their careers while understanding the needs of the labour markets and making sure they find a solid standing in their labour markets with a long-lasting career that can offer them a more secure future.

We have heard from young people and their main complaint is that there is no link between their education and the labour market, but we have researched this even deeper and have discovered that there is no link between their skills and abilities and their plans for their future. Most young people follow fashionable career paths through education without planning their future or even knowing what the future, in terms of employment, can offer them and as a result we see very high number in youth unemployment all over the world. This is a serious concern and although a lot is done on National and European levels to combat youth unemployment, the source of the problem still lies in the choices of young people. We will examine the factors which influence the choices young people make about their futures, the educational systems in place, trying to identify problems, and help young people understand the importance of planning for their careers based on the real needs of the labour markets.

Our aim was to build a bridge between the young people and their abilities, and then pave the roads between youth and the labour markets. We believe that the key to success starts with understanding ourselves, who we are and what we are capable of doing. When we can identify these key elements, we can start to work on building our careers, we can choose our education based on our skills and abilities, and combines these to meet the needs of the labour market, securing a future with employment being long term and allowing us to grow in this career rather than jumping from job to job simply to gain experience and then jump to the next.

The youth exchange brought young people from several countries together to share their concerns and to work on finding solutions to overcome youth unemployment in all EU countries, working together to share best practices and share knowledge and ideas so that we can help all young people in the EU build careers in an attempt to combat the excessively high youth unemployment numbers in the EU. We explored the options in education, the options in employment, taking advantage of the freedoms of mobility, and learn to understand and even

More pictures here:

Mládežnícka výmena bola určená mladým ľuďom vo veku 18-30 rokov. Účastníci boli z Bulharska Bulgaria, Cypru Cyprus, Grécka Greece, Talianska Italy, Rumunska Romania, Španielska Spain, Turecka Turkey a  Slovenska Slovakia. Z každej krajiny bolo po 5 účastníkov.