Training Course for Youth Leaders – Advanced

Training Course for Youth Leaders – Advanced
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Dátum konania
15/03/2019 - 22/03/2019

Miesta konania
Berlin, Germany

Typ projektu:

“Projekt “Training course for youth leaders – advanced” rovnako ako celý koncept City Bound považujem za obohacujúci a myšlienkovo mimoriadne hodnotný. Program bol naozaj veľmi nabitý, ani chvíľu sme sa nenudili a spoločne strávený čas sme využívali produktívne. Mňa osobne najviac zaujali workshopy a sedenia zamerané na rozšírenie povedomia o mentálnom zdraví, na ktoré sme mali vyčlenených niekoľko dní. Najvačším zážitkom bola práve aktivita v centre Berlína spojená s touto témou.

Nakonci každej činnosti sme mali vyhradený čas na zamyslenie sa a recipročnú spätnú odozvu. 

Chcela by som pochváliť aj celú hosťujúcu organizáciu, nakoľko všetko fungovalo na 100% a som veľmi vďačná, že som sa mohla reprezentovať Slovensko aj organizáciu Adel počas tohto tréningu. “


Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol?

The Advanced training was dedicated to people who have accomplished the basic training course and had their first experience as a youth leader in City Bound Europe Network. Participants coming to the training had a chance to compare their experience of work as a youth leader and deepen their knowledge in the topic of group facilitation and adventure-based learning.

They became experts in the method of adventure based learning and are able to design and evaluate the learning sessions by their own. The training also focused on the transfer of knowledge acquired during activities to the daily life of young people – what is crucial in the adventure-based learning methodology.

Content of the training:

  • how to structure and design a learning session
  • advanced knowledge of adventure-based learning methodology
  • facilitation techniques
  • expert knowledge of group management

Aims of the City Bound Network:

  • to build confidence in the idea of “United Europe” among young people and help them to understand the concept of Europe based on tolerance, inclusion and understanding and preventing radicalization of young people, by creating an opportunity for building opinions based
    on personal experience and face to face contact.
  • to provide a space for personal growth of young people from all over Europe and support them in the transition from childhood to adulthood by developing their social and civic competences and preparing them to live in intercultural society.
  • to rise creativity of participants and support them to discover their full potential by providing innovative non-formal education opportunities especially focused on adventure-based learning methodology.

Adventure Based Learning is methodology focuses on cooperation games, trust building activities and problem solving. We use it in contest to strengthen pro-European attitudes among young people and provide them the most essential information about European Union, it origins, culture, and institutions. Adventure based Learning uses experiential learning (learning by experience) and the excitement of trying something new. In adventure-based learning programes the trainer challenges a group to achieve a goal, but does not explain how to successfully complete the challenge. Participants must work to find a solution individually and together as a team, and must communicate and learn from each other in order to be successful. Participants begin to recognize the inner resources, strengths, and positive qualities within themselves and within their team. Reflecting and debriefing on the experience or “adventure” afterwards allows them to learn more about both their personal behaviour and contributions as well as the group’s, and relate it back to their everyday lives and routines to create positive change.

Účastníci tréningu boli z Grécka Greece, Portugalska Portugal , Nemecka Germany, Poľska Poland, Talianska Italy, Rumunska Romania, Česka Czechia, Španielska Spain a Slovenska Slovakia.