Date(s) - 30/09/2018 - 07/10/2018
All day
Berlin, Germany
Project type
Selected participants
- Guest User
- Guest User
Summary what was training about:
In order to implement high-quality youth exchanges we created a team of youth leaders that are moderating our activities and supporting young participants. The team develops rapidly therefore every year we provide a training for new leaders who wants to join us. This training course is directed to young people (18+), who wants to begin they adventure with City Bound exchanges and are planning to become national leaders for upcoming City Bound exchanges.
Here are some topics that we tackled during the training:
- Basics of non-formal education and especially adventure-based-learning methodology – how to facilitate the learning session for a group
- Discovering scenarios for learning session about various topics we deal with during City Bound exchanges.
- Discovering processes that take place in the group, learning how to facilitate them.
- Discussing tasks and responsibilities of youth leaders as well as legal regulation to supervise a youth group.
Adventure Based Learning is methodology focuses on cooperation games, trust building activities and problem solving. We use it in contest to strengthen pro-European attitudes among young people and provide them the most essential information about European Union, it origins, culture, and institutions. Adventure based Learning uses experiential learning (learning by experience) and the excitement of trying something new. In adventure-based learning programes the trainer challenges a group to achieve a goal, but does not explain how to successfully complete the challenge. Participants must work to find a solution individually and together as a team, and must communicate and learn from each other in order to be successful. Participants begin to recognize the inner resources, strengths, and positive qualities within themselves and within their team. Reflecting and debriefing on the experience or “adventure” afterwards allows them to learn more about both their personal behaviour and contributions as well as the group’s, and relate it back to their everyday lives and routines to create positive change.
Participants of the training were from Greece , Portugal , Germany , Poland , Italy , Romania , Czech Republic , Spain and Slovakia .
Participation in the project
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