Eastern Europe Open Boundaries

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Date(s) - 01/06/2017 - 31/12/2018
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Slovakia and around Europe

Project type

Selected participants

Short sumary what is the project about:

Main aim of the project is to tackle racism, disrimination, prejudices, violence behaviour towards minorities, refugees and another vulnarable groups through creation innovative educational methodology. Most important outcome of this project will be publication with various pedagogical methods and modules such as workshops, presentations, games, group tasks, simulations, debates and another good examples, techniques and practices. It’s intended for youth workers, trainers and teachers who would like to address denial among young people in more interactive way though non-formal education. We believe that it will contribute to development of their competences and skills and in long-term vision to intercultural dialogue and more tolerant, inclusive and open-minded society.

Partner organizations involved in the project are: Germany Germany, Lithuania Lithuania, Bulgaria Bulgaria, Portugal Portugal, Poland Poland, Hungary Hungary and of course Slovakia Slovakia.

There were several meetings and trainings during the project in order to share our experience and knowledge as partners but also to introduce new methodology to youth workers.

Kick-off meeting was held from 28 – 30 June in Dresden, Germany.

2nd transnational meeting of partner organizations was held in Sofia in February 2018.

3h transnational meeting was held in July 2018 in Vilnius, Lithuania.






4th transnational meeting and final conference of the project was held between 12 – 15 December 2018 in Budapest. More information here: https://www.facebook.com/events/255527668456293/

Main results of the projects are here:



Longer description of the project:

Main objective of this project is to contribute to the enhancement of quality of youth work in the specific field of racism and violence behaviours, antidemocratic, nationalistic and populistic tendencies among youth, in particular in the eastern European countries. This approach sees tight entanglement with a second priority of the Erasmus+ programme which promote social inclusion. This project operates therefore on the basis of the Paris Declaration of the EU Commission of the 17th March 2015.

Main objective 1:

Establish interdisciplinary / internationally usable qualification concepts for the pedagogical tackling of democracy-defying attitude such as racism and neo-Nazism.

Operational objectives 1:

  1. a) Inquire and compare on international scale the effective dynamics for the emergence of current democratic rejections and enmities as well as national mobilisations
  2. b) Provide comparable and standardized concepts of racism prevention and the advancement of democracy in youth (educational) work

Main objective 2:

The participating organizations are in a position to implement their own concepts and to qualify specialists (youth workers) for the thematic areas, thereby contributing to the reduction of racism, anti-Islamism, homophobia and other refusal structures.

Operative objective 2:

  1. c) Fields of work for practical prevention and promotion of democracy are analysed internationally and standards for effective work are developed
  2. d) Youth workers are able to raise awareness of racism and other rejections in their organizations and in their networks

Project’s results:

IO1: Handout providing a qualification concept for youth workers in dealing with democratically promoting measures in the field of prevention of racism, homophobia and other refusals as well as the inclusive measures for refugees and migrants.

IO2: Development of conceptual material for actions and processes for the individual design of activities to promote democratic understanding, inclusive attitudes and dismantling of racism, etc. in the practice of the respective organizations and work fields according to the professional standards developed.

Intangible results:

– Improved local/regional youth work quality by apply quality standards and methodology based on the european expert group’s reccomandtion and the needs for youth workers dealing with the topic of this project.

– Consistent and sustainable intercultural dialog among youth of different backgrounds and religion, reduction of violent radicalism, racism and intolerance among youth. Inclusive processes for refugees, cultural exchange with the local youth;

– More favourable public opinion towards foreigners (i.e. migrants and refugees)

-enhanced democratic competences among young, less vulnerability toward populism and nationalism.

-Improved intercultural dialogs and sense for European citizenship

-more social inclusion and respect for different culture and subculture at local and regional level

Website of the project: https://uferlos.wixsite.com/