Let’s Go 4 Game

Školenie v Holandsku
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Date(s) - 05/03/2018 - 13/03/2018
All day

Uitdam, Netherlands

Project type

Selected participants

  • Guest User
  • Guest User

The project Lets Go 4 Games! was held in Uitdam/Amsterdam The Netherlands from 5-13 March 2018, and 2 participants from Slovakia attended this unique Training Project that was financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Games don’t have to be just fun – they can be also used as an effective tool for personal and social development of youngsters as well as promoting the changes in society. There is still a lot of undiscovered and unused potential in games that can help to tackle very serious issues and problems in society – like fear from the “others”, hate, discrimination, oppression, exclusion.

The general idea of this project is to contribute to increasing the impact and quality of youth work by developing the competences of 29 youth workers from 14 Programme countries on using games as an effective tool for value-based education and inclusion.

More info: https://www.facebook.com/WowGoAmsterdam/

Summary what was training about: 

Games don’t have to be just fun – they can be also used as an effective tool for personal and social development of youngsters as well as promoting the changes in society. There is still a lot of undiscovered and unused potential in games that can help to tackle very serious issues and problems in society – like fear from the “others”, hate, discrimination, oppression, exclusion.

The general idea of this project was to contribute to increasing the impact and quality of youth work by developing the competences of 29 youth workers and youth leaders from 14 countries on using games as an effective tool for value-based education and inclusion.

The objectives of the seminar were:

– Exchanging experiences on what are the most crucial challenges that youth workers are dealing with in relation to value-based education and inclusion at the local level and providing a space for identifying areas they would like to work on more
– Exploring the concept of games and playing as an effective opportunity for young people’s personal and social development and promoting the changes in society
– Training the skills of participants of using already existing games or develop new ones for working on concrete values and changing the attitudes through good quality non-formal learning process (design of game, facilitation, etc.)
– Developing further ideas on using the games as an effective learning opportunity for value-education and inclusion at the local level – Sharing experiences from the training with wider network of youth work practicioners through the publication

Účastníci boli z Holandska Netherlands, Talianska Italy, Bulharska Bulgaria, Španielska Spain, Slovinska Slovenia, Slovenska Slovakia, Cypru Cyprus, Grécka Greece, Litvy Lithuania, Malty Malta, Macedónska Monaco, Poľska Poland, Rumunska Romania a Chorvátska Croatia.

Participation in the project

If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:

1. Question:  What is your motivation to participate in the project?
2. Question:  How do you think you will use the knowledge and skills which you gain at this project in your future life?

Pre tento projekt sme už vybrali účastníkov.