Proud on Pride

Európska dobrovoľnícka služba Proud on Pride v Ljubljana, Slovinsko
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Date(s) - 03/06/2016 - 24/06/2016

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Project type

Selected participants

“Zdravim Vas! Chcem sa Vám veľmi pekne poďakovať za sprostredkovanie krátkodobej EDS v Ljubljane, z ktorého som sa pred pár hodinami vrátila, po všetkých stránkach to bola skvelá skúsenosť, ktoru jednoznačne doporučujem každému, v prípade, že s Paradou Ponosou budete spolupracovať aj budúci rok 🙂 pripájam fotku všetkých dobrovoľníkov. Okrem Slovákov sme si našli kamarátov medzi Chorvátmi, Francúzmi, Španielmi a samozrejme lokálnyni Slovincami. Srdečná vďaka!” Rita

Zhrnutie o čom EDS projekt bol:

Group EVS Proud on Pride gathered 10 volunteers from 5 different countries (Italy, Spain, France, Croatia and Slovakia). In the period before the Pride they were involved in the program of the Festival Pride Parade. Typical task for volunteers were preparation of facilities prior to events, technical + logistical support during and after each event, communication with participants at events, hosting and logistical support, communication on social media about event, promotion and reports for English speaking audiences, basic administrative support, like keeping participants lists and logistical support during the Pride parade. Participants gained competences in group work, working in multicultural environment, increasing the level of foreign language, communication with participants, technical competences and logistical competences. They got the knowledge about project management (ex. how to manage smaller 1 day events like exhibitions, concerts, parties). They gained knowledge about social media (how to write texts for different social media and for different target audiences, how to film short movies and use editing programs).