
Mládežnícka výmena R2D20 v Lorca, Španielsko
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Date(s) - 19/09/2016 - 27/09/2016
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Lorca, Španielsko

Project type

Selected participants

V dňoch 19 – 27 septembra sa v meste Lorca, v Španielsku konala výmena s názvom “R2D20”. Janka, účastníčka výmeny: “Ahoj, bolo úplne skvele 🙂 Už sa teším, kedy všetky zážitky a hry s RPG aplikujem na hodinách s deťmi. Veľmi inšpirujúce, úžasná atmosféra, miesto, ľudia… šla by som ešte raz”

Zhrnutie o čom mládežnícka výmena bola:

With this youth exchange w e focused especially on the value of the “RPG methodology “in the field of the educational youth work, developing key competencies and a l t e r n a t i v e l e i s u r e . Youngsters experimented how the role playing enhaces a group’s sense
of comunal cohesiveness, e n c o r a g e s c omp l e x problema-solving and provides participants with the opportunity to learn an extensive array of skills through the enactment of escenarios.

Objective of the youth exchange were:

– To develop basic competencies like assertiveness, cooperation, sociability and reading comprehension in young
people through role play.
-To promote a leisure alternative which is healthy, cultural and active.
-To experiment with conflict management in a safe environment, through games and to learn how to link it to t h e c h a l l e n g e s o f
everyday life.
– To build a common game strategy oriented towards training one of the competences.

Projekt bol podporený z programu Erasmus+ a hosťovaný organizáciou Centro de Formación y recursos juveniles M13.