Date(s) - 07/10/2017 - 16/10/2017
All day
Klaffer am Hochficht, Austria
Project type
Selected participants
- Guest User
feedback from participants:
“Well, it’s so difficult to describe it in words 🙂 easier to experience it 🙂 It was my first project, like jumping from 0 to 1 – from nothing to something. It gave me a lot…
I learned a lot too – it was a TC and we really did a lot of activities, but especially, I met many inspirational people. These people created an atmosphere I have never experienced before. I felt respectful and beloved among them as I am 🙂 Nobody cared when something was wrong with my English…and no one expected from me anything – just to be myself …
From the project, I was mainly expecting to develop as a person – to be more open-minded and to learn to respect people more…and my expectation was fulfilled 🙂
Thank you very much for opportunity to participate. I hope it was not the last time. 🙂 “
“It was a very good project on which we learned real things that could be used in everyday life, it was well prepared and organized, and all the participants and coaches who were there are great people ♥ ️One of the best projects where I’ve been so far 🙂 “
Summary what was training about:
Tha main aim was developing the level of competencies in personal development methods for youth workers and youth leaders.
The specific objectives were:
- experimenting self-knowledge and personal development methods
- increasing the knowledge and personal development methods
- developing skills in order to facilitate personal development methods at the participants,
- developing appropriate attitudes for the approaching of the personal development methods learned by the participants,
Project activities were:
- management activities (organizational, monitoring, evaluation, dissemination),
- specific objectives: self-development workshop, methodological workshop, preparation activity, practical workshops, workshops for professional developmant.
Participants were from Portugal , Greece
, Italy
, Romania
, Spain
, Česka
and Slovakia
Participation in the project
If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:
Prihlasovanie na tento projekt bolo uzatvorené. Momentálne prebieha výber účastníkov.