Date(s) - 25/04/2023 - 10/05/2023
Project type
Selected participants
The youth exchange “Theatre As Tool Of Natural Expression – T.A.T.O.N.E.” is an Erasmus + project for the young people interested in topics such as the theatre, creativity and arts. The activity aims to bring together youngsters from different European countries and to provide them with the opportunity to develop their trustness through the theatre. The youth exchange wants to create a space where the participants can express themselves through the creativity. During the activities, the participants will attend several working sessions to practice social skills, collaboration in groups through theatre.
The youth exchange will follow the principles and the values of the social theatre, a methodology which facilitates individuals, groups and communities in finding their own ways to meet their own needs, improve their social functioning, and eventually overcome unhappy situations. The project’s idea is to make the theatre meet with other arts (painting, sculpture, photography, ect.) to stimulate the participants to express their feelings and ideas.
The young people involced will also have the opportunity to practices what they have learned with a short performance the last day.
The team of facilitators are actors and youth workers who already worked at the local level implementing several theatre workshops with young people and students from high schools.
Participants were from Italy , Spain
, Croatia
and Slovakia
. There were 5 participants from each country.