Date(s) - 16/10/2017 - 21/10/2017
All day
Olhao, Portugal
Project type
Selected participants
- Guest User
- Guest User
Summary what was training about:
It was a space for debate, networking, training and exchange of experiences of youth workers and leaders. 6 days Training Course, 35 young people from 17 European Countries gathered in Olhão, Portugal, from 16th to 21st October 2017 for an international training course called: “Transformers! – Training on youth transforming conflicts under cultural differences”.
The main aim of this project was to develop participants’ competences to work and to act within intercultural environment, specifically on themes like conflict management with young people with different cultural backgrounds, specially migrants and refugees through non formal education. It had also as objective to provide quality trainings for the participants in certain areas of the youth work.
- To increase participants’ knowledge and awareness about values underpinning non-formal educational youth activities;
- To familiarize participants’ with the values, mission, structure and ways of organizing youth events within the network and the partner organizations;
- To work on the inclusion, promotion and dissemination of the results of the project within local communities;
- To discover and analyze nowadays realities of young migrants, youngsters with migrant background and refugees in local communities, particularly in EU;
- To increase the participants’ competences and motivation to introduce and work on intercultural dialogue, conflict transformation and participation of the young people in society within the E+ Programme;
- To explore conflict management tools and foster creativity to create new and inovative conflict management tools;
- To discuss and develop the quality criteria for youth projects within E+ Programme and their contribution to a youth organization’s needs, realities and overall strategy of the network;
The training was based on non-formal education methods, encouraging active participation of young people involved.
- ice-breakers, energizers.
- Inputs from experts
- Simulations, role plays
- Intercultural and experiential learning
- Variety of visuals for thematic input
- Brainstorming and discussions both in working groups and in plenary.
Participation in the project
If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:
Pre tento projekt sme už vybrali účastníkov.