Transnational Youth Forum about Youth Unemployment

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Date(s) - 30/04/2015 - 03/05/2015
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Selected participants

The project gathered 48 participants – young people from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Poland, Portugal, Romania in Bratislava, the capital of SLOVAKIA for Transnational Youth Forum where all together discussed one of the main current problem in EU – Youth Unemployment and lok for possible solutions.Transnational Youth Forum about Youth Unemployment was held between 30 April – 3 May 2015.

By the end of 2013, were 5.6 milion young people unemployed in the EU, what is more than twice the rate of adult unemployment. Now more than ever, Europe must stand shoulder to shoulder with its young people. Now more than ever, in these times of crisis, their present and their future are at stake. We wanted to see finally an open dialogue discussions of Europe’s most urgent issue: Youth Unemployment, to raise awareness of the connection between education and the labour market, about the possibilities and policies on fighting against youth employment on an international, national and local level-and not only between politicians, but also with the most important stakeholders – us – young people.

Through the range of interactive activities such as group works, discussions, meeting guest speakers the participants discovered new innovative tools and good practices for better employability and entrepreneurial activities. Our goal was not to produce next report about youth unemployment but to take empirical bottom-up approach-to share real obstacles of young people for finding a job and recommendations of people active in this field and take action. We need words and solutions from young people – that’s real democracy, since we are not only future as everybody speaking, but we are in the present.

Objectives of the project:

– discuss youth unemployment and share facts, main problems, causes of youth unemployment in each participating country;

– explore best practices, tools, methods, policies towards youth unemployment by government, universities, companies, NGOS;

– analyze education system and labour market needs, universities-busines partnership, nentrepreneurial enviromnment labour market policy, role of NGOs and pontential of mobility programmes, to enghance young peoples employability.


– information about good practiices, tools, policies towards youth unemployment in participating countries, youth guarantee program and unique employment opportunities;

– recommendations how to increase employability of young people on european, national and local level;

– new projects, initiatives, events, campaigns in the field of youth unemployment and collaboration between young people and organizations from different countries.

Recommendations and all presentations are available HERE.

Pictures from the project can find on our facebook page here: