Date(s) - 01/11/2022
Bansko, Bulgaria
Project type
Selected participants
Chcel/a by si si zvýšiť kompetencie digitálneho vzdelávania a online aktivizmu? Tak je tento tréningový kurz v dňoch 4. – 10.11. v malebných horách Bulharska práve pre teba.
Viac informácií o tréningu:
The training course focused on understanding the digital youth work, digital education and online activism for NGOs concept and elements, presenting innovative tools that can be applied in daily youth work, sharing good practices from across Europe, boosting the skills and competences of the youth workers for using digital technologies for better and more quality volunteer management, online activism, online communication and for reaching out more young people, even from marginalized communities.
The overall aim of the project was to provide youth workers and NGOs with the adequate and up to date measures-knowledge, skills, competences and experience in digital youth work in order to engage more effectively young people, even those who are marginalized.
Project objectives were:
-to provide deeper understanding of the concept of digital youth work
-to provide practical tools and increase the digital skills and knowledge for better volunteer management, online activism and online communication
-to strengthen the potential and capacity of the NGOs to better correspond to the nowadays needs of the young people by integrating technology and digital tools into everyday youth work
Tréning je určený pracovníkom s mládežou, učiteľom, či ľuďom inak zapojených s prácou s ľuďmi vo veku od 18+. Účastníci budú z Anglicka , Bulharska , Dánska , Rumunska , Grécka , Belgicka , Estónska , Talianska a Slovenska . Z každej krajiny bude po 2 účastníkov.
Ubytovanie TU a strava budú počas tréningu zabezpečené a financované z programu Erasmus+. Cestovné náklady budú preplatené do výšky 275 eur a platí sa 50 eurový poplatok.
❗️Vstup do krajiny je pre zaočkovaných voľný, rovnako to platí aj po príchode naspäť domov.❗️