Create your own business or NGO with our support!
Category:Opportunities for youHave you ever heard about program “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs”? If you are citizen of EU, you can spend 3 – 6 months in some company or NGO working along with experienced entrepreneur and receive grant from EU to cover your expenses. You might think that according the name of the program, you should have your own company, but its not really necessary. Its important just to have some idea or wish for example to create organization and implement similiar projects as us. There is also no age limit, so when you feel young in the age of 40, you are welcome as well.
You can find more information about the program here: https://www.erasmus-entrepreneurs.eu/
For Slovakia is currently grant 610euros per month (you can manage to find own room in Bratislava for around 250euros)
Activities will depend on the profile and interests of each person and will be discussed individually through email or skype. He/she will be involved in various activities:
- event management – organizing and delivering events, workshops, trainings
- project management and preparation of new projects application,
- realization of surveys/research about various topics (integration, active participation, youth work etc.)
- writing report and publications,
- designing and developing training materials,
- social media and marketing,
- participation on partners meetings, conferences and other events either in Slovakia or abroad,
- graphic or web design,
- photography and film making.
Here are few words regarding motivation of our director to host “new entrepreneurs”
“I remember very well how difficult was it to start, therefore I am willing to share my experience and knowledge in different fields: project and event management, marketing, facilitation, etc. since I worked and developed activities and projects in diverse areas. I would like to expand in next countries with the activities that I currently do, but I have also plenty of new business ideas, but not enough time, so we can develop something new together :)”
What we expect from you?
You should be fluent in English, hard-working, pro-active. We believe that when somebody really wants something, he/she can do whatever if work hard
If you are interested, you can register on website https://www.erasmus-entrepreneurs.eu/, upload necessary documents (CV, motivation and business plan) and after find in the database “Lenka Curillova” – director and founder of ADEL Slovakia.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have some questions – info@adelslovakia.org