Local Events
Category:Opportunities for youOur regular activities have been slightly changing over the years, taking into account the situation and problems in our country or in the world. Meaning, at the beginning of our journey, we have been mostly focused on the better employability of youth since in 2013, the numbers of unemployed young people were alarming, so we did a lot of activities, events and projects focused on this. With many surveys revealing alarming xenophobia of Slovaks, we started to implement more intercultural events to bring Slovaks and foreigners together, support inclusion, interculturality and a sense of being European and more proactive. In Recent years in addiction our focus shifted more to healthy and responsible living – supporting mental wellbeing and mental health, enforcing physical health, sport and movement and being more socially and ecologically responsible due to alarming climate change. To sum up, we aim to contribute with our little to change the youth and our environment (local and inter/national), as positively as we can.
We can divide our current regular work and activities on local level in those fields:
3 years ago, we started with the implementation of the local events that not only contribute to better health, but has also positive impact on environment, we have developed new methods of environmental education through sport and started to organize on regular basis events like clean-up events, plogging, workshops where participants make their own cosmetics, or another environmental products.
We regularly send offers to school to organize various workshops for their students. Topics are very often different and depends on our ongoing long-term projects or the current situation and needs. For example, currently we organize workshops focused on the education about the EU and motivating students to participate in the upcoming EP elections in 2024; workshops about financial literacy; Environmental workshops and workshops focused on entrepreneurship. We implement activities and events all around Slovakia, but particularly nearby Bratislava region and Prešov region since those are two regions where our team is based in.
We regularly organize workshops at high schools or during some other events (e.g. festivals, larger scale events) opportunities which young people have thanks to the EU.
We regularly organize various intercultural events – either focused on learning about each-others culture – learning dances, hand-crafts or practicing sport together. We regularly organize intercultural sport events – e.g. hikes, football matches, canoe trips, paintball games. As part of our “Co-Age Volunteers” project, we started to connect youth with elderly people.
We can mention some numbers: from the beginning of the year 2023 we involved 458 participants during our local offline activities and events, 140 during online workshops. During all our projects funded in the last 10 years we involved during our local events 2803 participants. In addition, we organized many more events that were not part of any projects.