2019 and what next?
Category:OthersOver the past year, 236 people have had the opportunity to participate on 56 exchanges and trainings in 24 countries, and 12 volunteers in 7 countries have started their volunteer project. In addition, we were involved in many other local activities and projects during the year!
“CUstomized SuPport to Youth Development of Active Leadership” – a project to develop young people’s leadership skills in cooperation with organizations from Latin and Central America – we organized training in Sardinia and a youth exchange in Costa Rica!
“Entrepreneurship Skills for Youth” – a project aimed at developing young people’s entrepreneurial skills. Weekend training, publication, e-learning platform and many other activities…
“Be the Change” – we hosted a training in Slovakia for 29 people from different countries on self-development, recognition and combating prejudice and stereotypes.
“Winter Sport is Coming” – all preparatory phases are done and in March we will organize camps for Slovaks and foreigners living in Slovakia.
“Good Governance in Sport” – within the project, we prepared
2 publications, organized 2 events in Bratislava and informed sports
clubs and federations and the possibilities of financing sports from EU funds.
“The Citizens Are United” – we co-organized several cultural events for foreigners living in Slovakia.
And what will next year be like? We already know that we will launch many more activities next year:
“Eco-Friendly Sports” – we will organize events such as plogging, tree planting, construction of birdhouses, repair events- i.e. Which we will contribute to the protection of the environment and at the same time to the movement of people. We are coordinating the project in cooperation with partners from 7 other countries. Where we will organize similar events as well!
“Dare to be Different” – Are we and our V4 neighbors really as racist and xenophobic as many surveys present? We will help to implement the so-called social experiments – different situations ️ and behavior
of people in contact with people of different skin color or religion.
“Youth Hiking in Digital Age” – we will organize several tours and workshops in the Carpathians, where we will use a drone and other digital technologies to take photos, film and create digital maps. We are cooperating on the project together with partners from Romania and Poland, and we will carry out similar activities there as well.
“SPEAR – SPort Education Against Radicalization” – we will create a network of 16 ambassadors who will organize various sports events and online campaigns in their communities against radicalization.
“RISE – Roma Inclusion through Sport in Europe” – with the aim of collecting existing proven practices – sports-educational activities aimed at the inclusion of Roma youth and developing
a methodology that can be implemented by other NGOs and sports organizations.
“Brave New YOU – reloaded” – several educational events will be implemented
to involve young people with fewer opportunities.
“AIRBAG OF ERASMUS +” – aimed at creating a web platform and application where organizations will find tools to prevent risky situations during Erasmus projects.
Details of almost all projects are on our website, we will gradually add those that are missing.
We wish you all the best in the New Year and keep your fingers crossed that we will continue to bring you as many interesting opportunities as possible!