How was 2017?
Category:Othersat the beginning few numbers:
522 people participated in youth exchanges and trainings in 29 countries.
30 sent volunteers.
54 people on projects hosted in Slovakia.
In addition, we have been involved in several long-term projects
– we successfully finished project with the aim to encourage people to do more sports and we collected “good practices” of activities that already doing so (project called “Everyday of Sport”)
– we finished official activities of the project aimed at raising young people’s knowledge about Sustainable Development Goals and interest in the world’s most serious problems such as wars, poverty and hunger. We tried to encourage them through social media since they can contribute also to their solutions (project called YOU MUST)
– a project aimed at promoting water sports among children and young people. We co-organized a summer camp about water sports for children in Spain and other activities that will continue this year (project called “Wave On Wave – a Seafaring Heritage and Sports for Young People’s Physical Activity”)
– a project aimed at raising young people’s awareness of civic engagement and activists struggle during the communist totalitarian regime in Slovakia and their importance in the transition to democracy. We have made 5 video interviews with those activists that will be completed in a few weeks. (project called “Building Democratic Europe Together”)
– we have been preparing a publication where you will find various educational methods and tools how to combat racism, discrimination, prejudice against minorities or refugees (project called “Eastern Europe Open Boundaries”)
– also application and “survival kit” for migrants to facilitate their integration into the Slovak society, where they will be able to find important contacts, institutions and information on the visa process, events, etc. (project called “IMAPPY”)
– We also coordinate the activities of the “Duel Amical” magazine in Slovakia
In addition, we presented Erasmus + and our organization at Pohoda summer festival as well as during several workshops and in schools all over Slovakia (Bratislava, Nitra, Poprad, Medzilaborce …) and we also organized a workshop on hate speech. We also gained consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council. For the first time this year we crossed the borders of continental Europe and participated in PBA in Martinique.
… and many other projects and activities we are working on, and we will be running over the next year