How was our first intercontinental training?
Category:Stories of participantsBetween 24 – 31 July, we organized our first intercontinental training for participants from Brazil ??, Costa Rica ??, Uruguay ??, Italy ??, North Macedonia ?? and Slovakia ?? and here is feedback from them
“It was really amazing to take part of this project in Sassari. A valuable opportunity to learn more and make network. I would like to say thank you to all of the participants for being so friendly and also to Erasmus+ for this opportunity.
Thank you Aga Hydzik for your kindness and patience waiting for me at the hospitals.
Thank you facilitators! All my gratitude for you all.” Maria.
“Hello….I am Uendi from Brazil.
Thank you all for so friendly atmosphere.
Thank you Erasmus+ for this opportunity.
I have learned lots during these days and improved my English as well.”
“I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my experiences and learn so many other things from amazing people from different parts of the world. I would like to say thank you to each of you who made this moment happen!!” Alanna
“Participating in the training has enable an unique experience by providing me skills development to insert in my community. To me the oportunity was essencial to help me overcome the language barrier. GRATITUDE!” Tatiana
We, Valeria, Milena, Mónica and Raquel, are so grateful about the opportunity of being here in Sardinia with Erasmus +, it has been a huge opportunity to empower our selfs as young leaders and to share our experience as volunteers with people from different countries, and also to learn about different cultures and situations that are happening in many different places of the world. It made us realize that if we want something, we have the power to do it in our hands.
Definitely we are going home with new knowledge that we want to put in practice in our everydayness in order to inspired others to get more involved to promote good practices in society.
¡Pura Vida!
We are really grateful that we had the opportunity to be part of this training course where we discovered so many different and interesting realities. Even though we were a bit disorientated at the beginning, as the days and workshops passed by, we understood better the objectives of the project and what was expected from us. We enriched ourselves with new techniques, that for sure we will implement in the future. For example, the “atom/molecule” activity. It was clear to understand the dynamic and how it can be applied. Another really interesting fact that we discovered was that there are many issues and concerns that are common around the world, or at least for every present delegation. We are really thankful for this and more, the Uruguayan team.
“Its been a real pleasure being here in Sassari and part of the TC Learning to Empower coordinated by Adel Slovakia and cofounded by Erasmus plus. All great things are done by youth and this week we had opportunity to develop our leadership skills and learn more about other countries realities and positive practices for encouraging young people to volunteer and be part of the solution. I want to share this message for all the young people who never took part in any Erasmus plus project and encourage them to become part of an amazing and unforgetable journey.” Zorica
“This project gave me opportunity to create new ideas, to get better look on problems in my county and in the world. ❤” Milan
“First of all, i would like to express my gratitude towards the hospitality and the lovely learning days during this training in Sassari. I would trully recommend all of the young people from all around the world to leave their comfort zone and catch the opportunity to take part in such trainings. In such way they will challenge themself to explore and grow in an amazing and inspiring surrounding.” Nikolina
“It was a great project, great experience, great people and even greater energy. It was an amazing experience. There was a lot of workshops and posibility for personal growt, both a young leaders and youth workers. Thank you Erasmus+ for this wonderfull opportunity.” Gjoko
In this days we learnt a lot of things from our friends from another countries. In a short time we learnt a lot of things, but in a formal-education this information we learnt in a few mounths.
This days the also learnt: to be a leader in envairement / movement, to create nonformal education workshops, to wark with different target groups, we learnt about diferent cultures in intracultural night, we learn about volunteering and how to involve other people, to work together in a team. The Italian team ?
We spent a week on an Erasmus + training in Sassari “Learning to empower”. We got inspired by volunteering situation in different countries and shared the best practices from the whole world as the participants where from Central and South America. We had an opportunity to try innovative activities of non formal education and also we have created useful tools to empower leadership in our countries.
e.g.: We created the idea of eco fairy tales project aimed on kids in kindergartens and primary schools to encourage responsible and ecological behavior.
Secondly, we want to implement the use of Google maps buttons (similar to restaurants, hotels …) for searching volunteer opportunities.
During activities, many times we got inspired by local environment situation. For instance we worked out a plan how to transform local natural beach sand protection law to volunteering, and apply it to our countries.