How was the touristic-educational weekend about business on Spiš?
Category:Stories of participantsWe decided to organize something unconventional – i.e. only a weekend event, in
Slovakia, in Slovak and for Slovaks on the topic of social entrepreneurship. We
chose the village of Spišský Hrušov as the place and combined it with a hike in
the Slovak Paradise, a walk to the ruins of the church of the village of Miloj
and a barbecue…
How do our participants evaluate our weekend?
Perfect choice of environment, great people and organization. Beneficial and
useful information. Thank you ADEL Slovakia! – Petronela
Very good weekend, feel free to organize more often. A well-chosen place
to cut yourself off from the world for concentrating on the game and the project.
In the future, I also recommend “weekends” on other topics related
to entrepreneurship, because I think that young people should be more
interested in entrepreneurship. – Richard
Meet the founder of ADEL – Lenka in person. She was great – I liked her positive
energy, her attitude and ability to provide information. Lucia and Lenka formed
a good team and complemented each other. Thanks Lucia for a great barbecue.
Overall, I rate the weekend very positively. Definitely this action was a success.
I met new people and it was confirmed again that Slovakia is a beautiful country
thanks to a hike in the Slovak Paradise. I hope that an initiative will be taken
to organize similar weekends. – Jan
The business weekend brought me new information about potential business,
great game, I recommend everyone to participate in something similar,
it’s a great experience. – Andrea
The business weekend helped me learn more about social entrepreneurship.
I have received basic information about grants and financial programs from
the EU, which will hopefully help me to start my own business in the future.
During this weekend, I met a lot of interesting and inspiring people who shared
their experiences with me and in a way inspired me and showed me the way
to a successful business. – Dalibor
I think we all really enjoyed the weekend. We gained new information about
the possibilities of financing our business ideas, the possibility of obtaining
various grants. We met a great bunch of people, the accommodation and food
were very good. I hope that weekends on various topics will take place
in the future. – Veronika
An interesting weekend with great people, I would definitely come again
and I would like to focus more on the topic. I think we met a group
of good and diverse people from several industries and it was great to
exchange experiences with him. – Vladana
The weekend was interesting and stimulating for me. I learned new things,
some of which I could use in the future, moreover in a pleasant company
and a nice environment. – Dominika
Do you want to meet people with similar values and business. So this is a great
opportunity and who knows, maybe you’ll find a future companion. I think that
I will definitely return to Spišský Hrušov just because of the nice and helpful
owner of the pension. Well thank you. – Adriána
I liked the weekend, it was in a beautiful environment, I would welcome more
workshops focused on a specific topic, more information about business. Nature and accommodation was very nice. We also met an excellent team who will work
together in the future. – Martina
I think every young person should try an Erasmus + exchange or training at least
once in their life. In addition to everything covered by the union, one expands
one’s horizons and gets to know a hill of young people from all over the world
– Miroslav
We are looking forward to positive feedback and we will definitely organize
similar events in the future!