I evaluate training by full rate 10/10
Category:Stories of participantsIt is already more than a month since we arrived from Macedonia. Despite small failing in the form of heavy turbulence during both flights or night ramble in the day of arrival, I evaluate the training course by full rate of points 10/10. Personally I gained a lot of skills, new friendships and amazing experiences, thanks which I will remember the time, which I spent in Struga for very long.
The representatives of Slovakia were just two – me and Kornélia. The both of us had previous experience with Erasmus+, but none of us have never been to Macedonia, what kept expectance in us during the whole journey to there.
Through the small delay in Skopje, from the organizers we only got smashed sandwiches in napkins, but when the householders showed us soft beds, we forgave organizers everything.
On next day, after sound sleep, the organizers determined some time for getting to know each other and remembering all names of participants, in truth it has never been my strength. And so became Slovenian guy Lovro for following week Ľudo and few of the names I learnt just at the end of training.
In Macedonia met multicultural group from different European countries, Africa and Asia. I realized that Macedonians are in comparison with us miserable drivers and people from Ghana are always late.
Some of us already met on project YouCAN and now were invited for follow-up project YouMUST. Me and Kornélia were new participants as was the majority of participants.
On first day we became familiar with the philosophy sustainable development goals SDG and we tried to apply it on situation in our country. Problems in Slovakia, which we analysed, were related to quality of education, but for example in Romania it was health care and Ghana was fighting with drinkable water. All countries agreed on, that the biggest actual problem is corruption, which is going hand-in-hand with SDG no.16 – peace, justice and strong institutions.
The following days took care about the program lecturer Inge, who prepared for us a lot of practical activities. Thanks these activities we understood better the keystone of SDG in practical life, we became familiar with the meaning of social entrepreneurship, ethical marketing and we found out, where is hidden the power of non-formal education. By the way, when we are talking about education, I recommend you to watch movie “Schooling the world”, which demonstrates, that during the learning is very important to know your students and their background and not to try to force them to learn, what probably works in other parts of world.
Later in groups were developed several business plans, which solved chosen social problems.
After full program, we really enjoyed the trip to the city Ohrid, where we relaxed, went shopping and breathed the seaside (better to say “lakeside”) atmosphere. The great experience was also “boat taxi”, which we used for transportation to another side for five of us only for one euro. I will always miss the Macedonian prizes.
According to the fact, that on project were eleven different countries, the evenings were full of great national cuisine, music, quizzes and presentations of countries, which was perfect ending of long hot days.
When the project was about to finish, all of us with tears in the eyes were splitting with new knowledge. The most important SDG is the last one – partnership and cooperation. Together we can achieve more than everybody of us can individually. And this is the keystone of all training courses, youth exchanges and projects. To communicate and work on building of better society through improving of individual aims sustainable development TOGETHER.
I am very thankful for every experience, which enables me to learn something new. This one was without no doubts one of them. Thanks ADEL.