Lithuania – country of drinkers? (Fotoreport)
Category:Stories of participants10 days before my final exams, I decided to fill my free time on a youth exchange in Lithuania. I only knew about the country that it lies somewhere in the north and people drink there a lot. According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, Lithuania is the first in drinking hard alcohol (the average Lithuanian older than 15 years drinks 18.2 liters of hard alcohol per year).
The organizers allowed us to travel 5 days before the start of the youth exchange and return no later than 5 days after the end of it. Direct flights from Slovakia to Vilnius do not exist, so I made a stop in London and later in Oslo. The project was attended by 38 participants from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Italy and Lithuania. During the project we were staying in the Riterio Krantas complex, which is about 40 km from Vilnius and is surrounded by nature. The nearest shop was 10 km away.
Riterio Krantas, a complex surrounded by nature, an oasis of peace and tranquility.
Every day the project consisted of several sessions, ice breakers and coffee breaks. On the picture is so-called. “Lithuanian dragging of beet”.
Construction of spaghetti bridges
We were discussing some serious issues
slovak team in action
The organizers took us on a trip to Trakai Castle
Modern Vilnius, capital of Lithuania
The youth exchange exceded my expectations. Everything – program and activities, accommodation and food was very well organized. For those who have not participated in any exchanges, this is a great opportunity to learn new cultures, establish international friendships and travel.
and do really people in Lithuania drink a lot? Of course …;) But who would not like to have a glass of wine at the seashore at sunset and enjoy the beautiful scenery?
Miroslav Gdovin
Full resolution photos can be found here: