Bootcamp “Act for your future”

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Dátum konania
15/07/2022 - 23/07/2022

Miesta konania
Guimarães, Portugalsko

Typ projektu:

Mládežnícka výmena v Portugalsku na podporu rozvíjania si podnikateľských zručností.

More info about the project:

This project aimed to contribute to the alleviation of the social problem of youth social exclusion and disintegration in the labour market as a consequence of the lack of key competences for lifelong learning and entrepreneurial thoughts and attitudes. Aligned with the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and the Youth Goals, the project aimed to engage, connect and empower todays youth in building their future tomorrow and aimed to contribute to the empowerment of young people by giving them a voice, space, conditions and the right tools to build their path, respond to their needs and lead their own social change. In a period like the current one, in which the effects have been devastating for young people, there is an urgent need to promote innovative responses of support and so that their fragile situation may be reversed and they may increasingly become an active part of Europe.

Main Goals were

  • To empower young people by developing key competences for lifelong learning and adopting entrepreneurial thoughts and attitudes;
  • To empower young people in youth entrepreneurship and innovation by transferring knowledge and methodologies, methods and tools;
  • To promote the social inclusion of young people, including socially under-represented groups (such as ethnic minorities and migrants), by creating opportunities and training for labour market integration;
  • To promote the potential of non-formal education (NFE) and informal education (IE) methodology in the empowerment and personal, social and professional development of young people;
  • To involve and link young people in the various spheres of society for the reversal of the personal, social and professional situation.

Participants were from Portugal Portugal, Norway Norway, Spain Spain, Estonia Estonia, Greece Greece, Italy Italy and Slovakia Slovakia. There were 6 participants from each country.