Dátum konania
17/09/2019 - 24/09/2019
Miesta konania
Brežice, Slovenia
Typ projektu:
Tréning v slovinskom meste Brežice sa konal v dňoch 17. – 24. septembra, na ktorom sa účastníci naučili používať techniky inšpirované cirkusom (modelovanie balónov, diabolo, žonglovanie a iné) pri práci s mládežou.
Článok od slovenskej účastníčky tu: https://www.adelslovakia.org/pribehy-ucastnikov/cirkusove-dobrodruzstvo
Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:
During the 8-days training course, we discovered how to use circus pedagogy as a method of youth work. We used circus activities as a form of pedagogy in teaching and in non-formal education. Our main idea is that circus activity is appealing and fun for everybody, making it ideal as a tool for educational work with youngsters.
The aim was to introduce youth workers and youngsters to positive, healthy activities that encourages cooperation, and strengthen confidence, while developing co-ordination and persistence. Result is much more than learning these skills – it also helps to improve self-esteem, build on a social capital and direct people towards positive ways of living.
The main goal of our project was to teach the participant basics of various circus skills such as partner and group acrobatics, juggling, diabolo, balloon modelling… and show them how to prepare and implement a circus workshop, which they can use as a tool in their work with youngsters. On the end of our training course, all the participants were equipped with knowledge how to prepare and implement a basic circus pedagogy workshop on their own. After the project, their task was to lead a circus pedagogy workshop for youngsters in their country and this way, disseminate results of TC.
During the project, participants (with the help of trainers) prepared a short circus show that they performed for the local community. After the show, the participants lead the circus pedagogy workshop for the local community and test their newly learned skills.
Tréning bol určený pracovníkom s mládežou, aktívnym členom alebo dobrovoľníkom v rôznych organizáciách (od 18 rokov). Účastníci boli zo Slovinska , Chorvátska , Macedónska , Grécka , Talianska , Litvy , Holandska , Poľska , Španielska , Turecka a Slovenska .