Dátum konania
26/08/2018 - 01/09/2018
Miesta konania
Athens, Greece
Typ projektu:
feedback od Martiny, jednej z účastníčok výmeny:
“Kedže projekt v Aténach bola moja prvá mládežnícka výmena, nevedela som, čo mám od toho očakávať. Mala som voči situácii prirodzený rešpekt veď predsa len som išla do novej krajiny s neznámymi ľuďmi. Strach, ale v rýchlosti vyprchal hneď ako som sa stretla s ostatnými účastníkmi z našej skupiny. Koniec koncov to boli takí istí mladí dobrodružní ľudia s túžbou spoznať a zažiť niečo nové. Počas celého projektu sme si pomáhali a podporovali jeden druhého, preskúmali sme priam dychberúce Atény, reprezentovali Slovensko a spoznali kopu úžasných ľudí z odlišných kútov a kultúr Európy. Veľmi si túto skúsenosť vážim a ak uvažujete nad prihlásením sa na výmenu, neváhajte a neoľutujete.”
Zhrnutie o čom výmena bola:
Youth Exchange allowed through various activities based on active participation young people to discover and become aware of different social and cultural realities, to learn from each other, to develop the entrepreneurial spirit and reinforce their feeling of being European citizens.
Athens is a historic city with a lot of undiscovered places to explore in order to reveal your myth and to live your own adventure. Young people had a chance to meet other young people from different parts of Europe and had the chance to exchange thoughts, aspects and views about things and to share common experience by doing or trying fun games and adventure activities.
Aim of the youth exchange were:
- Raising awareness of common European culture and cultural heritage of Europe among youngsters,
- Building solidarity, understanding and cohesion among them by breaking up national divisions, language barriers and seeking universal values,
- Building skills and capacities of our youngsters, youth leaders and organizations
Adventure Based Learning is methodology focuses on cooperation games, trust building activities and problem solving. We use it in contest to strengthen pro-European attitudes among young people and provide them the most essential information about European Union, it origins, culture, and institutions. Adventure based Learning uses experiential learning (learning by experience) and the excitement of trying something new. In adventure-based learning programes the trainer challenges a group to achieve a goal, but does not explain how to successfully complete the challenge. Participants must work to find a solution individually and together as a team, and must communicate and learn from each other in order to be successful. Participants begin to recognize the inner resources, strengths, and positive qualities within themselves and within their team. Reflecting and debriefing on the experience or “adventure” afterwards allows them to learn more about both their personal behaviour and contributions as well as the group’s, and relate it back to their everyday lives and routines to create positive change.
Youth exchange included following activities: teambuilding games and getting-know each others activities, cooperation games, city challenge, graffiti workshop, language animation, EU quiz, treasure hunt, city game, intercultural evenings etc.
Mládežnícka výmena bola určená mladým ľuďom vo veku od 15 rokov. Účastníci boli z Grécka , Nemecka , Poľska , Rumunska , Španielska a Slovenska . Z každej krajiny bolo po 6 účastníkov (z Nemecka 10).