Dátum konania
08/07/2021 - 14/07/2021
Miesta konania
Murzasichle, Poland
Typ projektu:
Tréning o inovatívnom vzdelávaní cudzích jazykov v poľských Tatrách.
Čo bolo obsahom tréningu?
– the importance and principles of CLT and trying them out by 1) participation in the CLTtraining 2) preparation of workshops in the laboratory phase
– concepts of task learning in CLT
– developing educational activities in foreign language teaching for target groups ofparticipants (goals / methodology and tools / discussion)
– communication strategies,
– practice in the preparation / implementation and evaluation of educational activities
– learning assessment
– exchange of good practices
– information and vocabulary on mobility and Erasmus + programs, and projectmanagement to develop joint initiatives on language teaching and lifelong learning
-the process of group facilitation of life in an intercultural environment
Tréning bol určený ľuďom od 18 rokov, predovšetkým učiteľom cudzích jazykov alebo budúcim učiteľom. Účastníci boli z Poľska , Litvy a Slovenska .