Create your own path

Mládežnícka výmena v Holandsku s ADEL
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Dátum konania
24/02/2018 - 03/03/2018

Miesta konania
Texel, Netherlands

Typ projektu:

Ako bolo? 

“Na prelome posledného februárového a prvého marcového týždňa som sa zúčastnila mládežníckej výmeny na holandskom ostrove Texel.  Projekt sa mal venovať téme podnikania, ale dal mi oveľa viac.  Nielenže som sa dozvedela veľa dôležitých vecí ohľadom založenia businessu, ale spoznala mnoho inšpiratívnych ľudí, ktorí mi úplne zmenili pohľad na svet. Zistila som, že aj keď to tak vo veľa prípadoch nebýva, existujú ľudia, čo nerobia business hlavne kvôli peniazom, ale pre pomoc spoločnosti. Aj keď v najbližšej budúcnosti nechcem založiť business a ani to nie je odvetvie, ktoré by som chcela študovať, myslím, že som si z projektu odniesla toľko vedomostí, že keby po rokoch zmením názor, mám sa od čoho odraziť.” Rachael

Project summary

“Create your own path” was an European multilateral youth exchange with the aim to promote European youngsters intercultural communication and cooperation, entrepreneurial attitude and active citizenship – in accordance to the Erasmus+ programme objectives.  The reason for making this project was to get a better idea of the youngsters situation in different countries rural areas, a fresh look on each other communities, its benefits and opportunities for future and to find ideas and good examples of sustainable life in the rural areas.

The aims of the project was:

  • To create contact for young people from different cultures across Europe;
  • To learn to work and live together as a group;
  • To expand young people’s horizons on the topic entrepreneurship;
  • To teach young people respect and appreciation for other cultures;
  • To promote tolerance of other people’s differences;
  • To create a springboard for other European cooperation;
  • To use non-formal learning techniques as the basis for all activities within the exchange.

Working methods
The project used round table debates and one to one discussions to achieve our aims. Next to this we used different non-formal methods that support the achievement of the stated aims. These groups were mixed by country so that all participants had the opportunity to work with other young people from different backgrounds.

The non formal methods employed during the exchange included:

  • Introductions and ice-breaking activities;
  • Dynamic teambuilding games;
  • Practical activities within the island of Texel and region;
  • Cultural presentations of each group’s own culture.

Účastníci boli z Holandska Netherlands, Španielska Spain, Slovinska Slovenia, Rumunska Romania, Lotyšska Latvia, Bulharska Bulgaria a Slovenska Slovakia.


Účasť na projekte

If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:

1. Question:  What is your motivation to participate in the project?
2. Question:  How do you think you will use the knowledge and skills which you gain at this project in your future life?

Prihlasovanie na tento projekt bolo uzatvorené. Momentálne prebieha výber účastníkov.