Dátum konania
23/06/2021 - 29/06/2021
Miesta konania
Typ projektu:
Bolo super obaja sme si to užili. Mesto bolo krásne a téma veľmi bohatá a zaujímavá ale hlavne ľudia, ktorí tam boli výborní a už teraz nám chýbajú. Určite sa budeme snažiť čoraz viac zapájať do podobných tréningov a výmien.
An entry-level training course that united 26 people (from 10 EU countries) through workshops to learn more about the migration topic from another perspective. We will use the method of storytelling in order to increase empathy and solidarity towards migrant communities in Europe.
That is why our project provided new competencies for youth workers to support storytelling towards young people with a migration background.
In order to reach this aim, we focused on these specific objectives:
1.Equip 26 youth workers with adequate nonformal education methods and tools that will facilitate their work with migrants towards social integration (drama, experiential learning, outdoor education)
2.Raising awareness of 26 youth workers about digital storytelling methodology to enlarge perception by enabling them to use digital tools and by facilitating the social inclusion process of youngsters with a migration background.
3.Design a toolkit that will contain intercultural guidelines to set an inclusive digital communication strategy in order to engage and empower youth with a migration background.
4.Create a documentary where ex-migrants/asylum seekers share their success stories as well as tools for inclusion and integration.