Dátum konania
17/06/2021 - 24/06/2021
Miesta konania
Torremolinos, Spain
Typ projektu:
Tréning pre lepšie pochopenie ako nás môže naša digitálna stopa ovplyvniť pri hľadaní práce pre pracovníkov s mládežou, učiteľov, lídrov či ľudí inak pracujúcich s mládežou v dňoch 17. – 24. júna na juhu Španielska.
– Viktória Sanislová
Viac informácií o tréningu:
“Digital Savvy” was a mobility of youth workers, KA1 Training Course, under Erasmus+ and was implemented by Together For Youth with the support of Asociación Projuven. The project aimed to promote youth employment through the development of new competences and skills for youth workers which wallow them to adjust their pedagogy to include responsible use of technology and to raise young people awareness of digital footprints, encouraging them to make informed decisions about the contents they create or share online which can affect their employability.
The specific objectives of the project for youth workers were:
- to understand what digital footprint is and how it can affect young people employability;
- to understand why employers check social media and which are the contents to be careful about in a digital footprint which can cause that an employer does not hire a job candidate;
- to learn how to protect, create and maintain a good digital footprint.
Účastníci boli z Rumunska , Lotyšska , Francúzska , Talianska , Estónska , Španielska a Slovenska . Z každej krajiny boli 4 účastníci.