Dátum konania
11/11/2017 - 18/11/2017
Miesta konania
Mugla, Turkey
Typ projektu:
feedback od jednej účastníčky:
“Ahoj, za seba hodnotím na jednotku 🙂 bola to moja prvá skúsenosť a nemôžem sa sťažovať na nič. Všetko bolo zvládnuté, či už išlo o organizáciu (transfer z letiska, ubytovanie, strava, výlety), ale i samotné aktivity týkajúce sa témy participácie mladých ľudí (hry, prezentácie, projekty). Všetok čas sme využili naplno a okrem nových priateľov (dúfam, že nie iba na fb:)) mi dal projekt rozhľad o možnostiach, ako sa dá byť aktívnym občanom a čo všetko sa dá, keď sa chce.:)” Mia
Summary what was project about:
At the beginning of the current debate on democracy is the relation of “citizenship and participation”. The importance of this relationship lies in the fact that the decision-making process, which is based on the active and continuous participation of citizens as the main axis of democracy, is essential. The way in which this relationship is implemented also determines the social decision-making processes. Participation can be defined as the process by which citizens participate in and influence decisions concerning public life. In this respect, participation is one of the indispensable cornerstones of democracy. Through active participation, young people are empowered to play a vital role in their own development as well as in that of their communities, helping them to learn vital life-skills, develop knowledge on human rights and citizenship and to promote positive civic action.
The main aim of our training course was to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes of youth workers and youth leaders on youth participation and its related issues. We aimed to give information, exchange information, discuss and exchange best practices and develop new projects about Youth Partic-ipation. We wanted to promote youth participation in local, national and European level. Our target group was youth workers who are interested and motivated to work further on participation related issues. Non formal education methods were applied by experienced trainers for the training course.
With the help of the project, we provided to find new ways of increasing youth participation by encouraging young people to discover their potential in the community.
Methodology & Methods
The project learning flow was based on non-formal education. The content and the methodology of the training course was focused on active citizenship and volunteering, sharing of thoughts and feelings, learning by doing, group work and intercultural dialogue.
Účastníci boli z Francúzska , Bulharska , Macedónska , Talianska , Lotyšska , Turecka a Slovenska .