DOTS – Living & Learning in a Connected World

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Dátum konania
07/05/2022 - 15/05/2022

Miesta konania
Larnaca, Cyprus

Typ projektu:

More information about what the training was about:

The emphasis of this project was on Digital Competences and Media Literacy which are closely related, and both draw on the same core skill of Critical Thinking. Media Literacy focuses on teaching youth to be critically engaged consumers of media, while Digital Competence is more about enabling youth to participate in digital media in wise, safe and ethical ways. Digital Competences and Media Literacy can significantly enhance a young person’s employment opportunities.

Main aims were:

  1. Quality employment of young people
  2. Empowerment of young people through competence development
  3. Digital literacy & critical thinking
  4. Equal access to youth organizations & EU youth programs

The participants were from Cyprus Cyprus, Czech Republic Czechia, Bulgaria Bulgaria, Slovenia Slovenia, Greece Greece, Lithuania Lithuania, Poland Poland, Romania Romania, Estonia Estonia and Slovakia Slovakia. There were 3 participants from each country .