Dátum konania
18/09/2017 - 26/09/2017
Miesta konania
Paralimni, Cyprus
Typ projektu:
feedback od jednej účastníčky:
„V septembri sme mali možnosť zúčastniť sa mládežníckej výmeny s názvom Employ+ na Cypre. Za týždeň a pol, ktorý sme tam strávili sme sa venovali problémom nezamestnanosti mladých ľudí a možnostiach jej riešenia a to aj napríklad s prispením samotnej Európskej únie. Naučili sme sa mnoho užitočných vecí týkajúcich sa zamestnania, napr. ako si správne napísať životopis, ako spravovať financie, ako urobiť dobrý dojem na prvom pohovore a podobne. Všetko bolo vedené voľnou a hravou formou čo sme všetci veľmi ocenili a každý si vždy vedel nájsť niečo, čo ho bavilo.
Táto výmena ale nebola len o povinnostiach. Jej súčasťou bolo aj spoznávanie kultúr a zvykov účastníkov z ostatných krajín, čo bolo pre nás veľmi zaujímavé. Počas výmeny sme zlepšovali naše komunikačné schopnosti a to nie len v angličtine ale pochytili sme aj základy z írčiny, turečtiny, či poľštiny. Spoznali sme množstvo skvelých ľudí zo zahraničia, s ktorými by sme inak vôbec neprišli do styku. Mnohé priateľstvá, ktoré sme nadviazali trvajú dodnes, z čoho máme veľkú radosť.
Účasť na takejto výmene bola pre viacerých z nás nová skúsenosť. Niektorí sme možno mali na začiatku aj trochu obavy avšak nakoniec môžeme povedať, že to bol zážitok na celý život na ktorý nikdy nezabudneme a ktorý by sme si veľmi radi zopakovali aj v budúcnosti.
Veľké ĎAKUJEME patrí organizácii ADEL a Európskej únii, vďaka ktorým sa tento projekt mohol zrealizovať a my sme mohli byť jeho súčasťou !“
Zhrnutie o čom výmena bola:
Youth unemployment is a major concern all over the EU with some countries reporting over 40% youth unemployment. Young people are more pressured into getting degrees and qualifications in order to increase their chances of employment but there seems to be a gap in the system as universities and schools are not being updated about the market trends and as a result the employability of youth is decreasing, even though their education is increasing. The question of the gap between these institutions or the capitalistic approach to education will be evaluated and we will explore how young people are influences to make their educational choices.
The main objectives of this project was therefore to help young people increase their employability and to help them find where to find employment and be readier for the labour market based on the needs of the labour market thus helping in dealing with the youth unemployment problem in the EU.
This project looked at the concept of employability and look at the various tools available to youth to increase their employability. We hope that with the various workshops and activities the youth gained the knowledge and the tools for them to understand the markets better and to increase their employability.
We looked at issues like cross boarder employment (working in another country, mobility of workers), education, EVS, EURES, and other EU tools and discussed these in details, sharing experiences with each other and giving a better understanding of how these work. We hoped to gain real knowledge of these issues especially cross boarder employment and employment opportunities as many young people simply think that by going to another country the employment problem ends, but there are many other factors to take into account when working and living in another country.
Many young people have an attitude that there are no employment opportunities left and as a result they sit back waiting for an opportunity to come to them, and as a result we blame the system for this. We hoped to give the understanding that there are many employment opportunities out there and it is our responsibility to go out and find the jobs. It is our responsibility to find the various incentives and tools available to us, in order to increase our employability and to create the employment opportunities we need.
Na výmene boli účastníci z Maďarska , Bulharska , Estónska , Grécka , Talianska , Rumunska , Poľska , Írska , Turecka , Cypru , Slovenska a Českej republiky .