Dátum konania
09/12/2019 - 16/12/2019
Miesta konania
San José, Costa Rica
Typ projektu:
Naša prvá mládežnícka výmena na inom kontinente! Ako bolo? Viac v článku tu: https://www.adelslovakia.org/pribehy-ucastnikov/10-vyborne-stravenych-dni-na-kostarike
Zhrnutie v angličtine o čom výmena bola:
CUSPYDAL – CUstomized SuPport to Youth Development of Active Leadership is a project based on cooperation between Europe (Slovakia, Italy, North Macedonia) and Latin America (Brazil, Costa Rica, Uruguay). There are various educational and research activities planned during 2 years, this youth exchange is one of them. Project is co-financed by the European Union, Erasmus+ Programme.
Aims of the youth exchange were:
- to develop leadership potential and to contribute to personal and professional development and improvement of soft skills of young people (communication, flexibility, cooperation, goal oriented thinking, creativity, planning of work and strategy, responsibility, motivation etc.),
- to support their future employability and entrepreneurship,
- to encourage their active participation in their local community,
- to support them in the development of an individual action plans (projects, events, social enterprise, campaigns) focused on tackling some problems in their community,
- to give them unique intercultural experience – meet other young people from different parts of the world and to learn about each-others countries, cultures, traditions.
There were various workshops, discussions, simulations, games, study visits, intercultural evenings during the youth exchange, particularly focused on development of their leadership skills in various fields (active participation, volunteering, sport or environmental protection).
Participants of the youth exchange will be from Brazil , Uruguay , Costa Rica , Italy , North Macedonia and Slovakia , 5 from each country.
Whole infopack here – Call for participants