Entrepreneurial Leadership Lab

Tréning Entrepreneurial Leadership Lab v Stara Zagora, Bulharsko
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Dátum konania
18/02/2017 - 25/02/2017

Miesta konania
Stara Zagora, Bulharsko

Typ projektu:

Hodnotenie od účastníkov:

“Tréning Entrepreneurial Leadership Lab v bulharskej Starej Zagore bol mojím prvým projektom. Na začiatku som sa trochu obávala celkového priebehu toho, čo ma tam bude čakať,ale obavy vôbec neboli potrebné. Naučili sme sa veľa praktických vecí, precvičili angličtinu aj public speaking,vytvorili reálnu propagáciu produktu, navštívili sme centrum mesta a užili si nielen bulharskú večer, ale aj dva medzinárodné večery. Projekt hodnotím na jednotku, ak váhate nad účasťou, tak smelo do toho!” Betka

“Od 18.02 do 25.02 som sa zúčastnil na tréningu pod názvom „Entrepreneurial Leadership Lab“ v Starej Zagore, v Bulharsku. Bol to moj druhý projekt ale nevedel som čo mám čakať, keďže prvý bol youth exchange. Hned pri prvom spoznávaní som vedel že to bude nezabudnuteľný týždeň. Naučil som sa mnoho praktických vecí cez rôzne workshopi, hry a semináre, ktoré môžem využiť v budúcnosti. Keďže sme boli s 12 rozličných krajín, spoznal som veľa super ludí a nadviazal kontakty do budúcna. Chcel by som sa poďakovať ADEL na tejto skvelej príležitosti, a odporúčam každému aby to vyskúšal, lebo nonformal education vám môže dať omnoho viac ako klasická škola.” Adrián

Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:

The main aim of this international training course on leadership and entrepreneurial/pro-active civil society attitude was to equip the participants with competences in terms of leadership and entrepreneurial learning. Through the program of the course the learners will develop understanding about the concept of leadership and gain practical skills of working with groups and handling group process, as well as entrepreneurial leadership qualities as important assets to be brought in youth work. Through the supporting learning process the course aims to develop public speaking, project management, negotiation skills of the participants. It proposes to foster the active involvement of young leaders in society and inspire them to act as multipliers of the gained knowledge in their local communities.

Aimes of the training course were:
• To achieve a common understanding of the concept of leadership
• To develop the participants’ understanding of the key principles of entrepreneurial leadership and to explore instruments for its promotion among groups of young people in civil society
• To improve participants’ skills in project-management related to youth projects
• To propose new tools, approaches and to identify ways to further develop youth entrepreneurship in Europe
• To encourage exchange of good practices related to innovative youth projects
• To empower youth workers/ leaders to act as multipliers of the gained competences in their local communities
The program of the course was based on non-formal education and was conducted using a highly interactive and participative approach. The activities were managed by a team of experienced trainers and facilitators. This international training course was facilitated using various non-formal learning methods such as presentations, discussions, work in groups, buzz groups etc., but also using innovative ones like a new forms of negation techniques or mindfulness meditations.

Na tréningu boli účastníci z 12 rôznych krajín – Cypru, Chorvátska, Estónska, Macedónska, Francúzska, Grécka, Talianska, Poľska, Rumunska, Slovenska, Španielska a Bulharska.