Dátum konania
18/07/2022 - 26/07/2022
Miesta konania
Vilnius, Lithuania
Typ projektu:
Mládežnícka výmena proti diskriminácii sexuálnych menšín a povedomia o ochrane ľudských práv v hlavnom meste Litvy.
More info about what was the project:
One of the most sensitive problems that can be seen in every EU state is discrimination against sexual minorities, who have experienced the most egregious forms of discrimination and violence based on gender identity and sexual orientation. They have been considered less than human and at times even non-human.
The prohibition of discrimination and the protection of human rights are important elements of the EU legal order. Nevertheless, discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals persists throughout the EU and takes various forms, including verbal abuse and physical violence.
Sexual orientation is now recognized in EU law as grounds of discrimination. However, the scope of the provisions dealing with this issue is limited and does not cover social protection, healthcare, education, or access to goods and services, leaving LGBTI people particularly vulnerable in these areas. To change the current approach and decrease discriminatory and violent actions towards the LGBTQI+ community, and education is the key to progress. Protection mechanisms should not exist only on legal papers, but it must have an actual effect on the whole community, thus by the correct interpretation and creativeness of the ideas we can provide this to the society, which will make EU values stronger as never before.
Objectives which should lead us to the results:
1) Raise awareness and understanding of LGBTQI+ person rights and provide them legal and social tools to fight for them.
2) To identify the high-profile cases which occurred in their home countries and find ways to reduce the number of intolerant and discriminatory approaches from society.
3) To spread the ideas of tolerance and show to their communities that everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, political view, religious affiliation, and origin belongs to the same society and enjoys the same rights as an entire population.
Participants were from Turkey , Poland , Hungary , Lithuania , Estonia and Slovakia . There were 5 participants from each country.