
Szczawnica -Euroanima
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Dátum konania
10/12/2018 - 19/12/2018

Miesta konania
Szczawnica, Poland

Typ projektu:

Tréning zameraný na lepšie využívanie animácií v przentáciách v poľskom kúpeľnom meste Szczawnica v dňoch 10.-19. decembra 2018. 

Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:

Animation is a particularly attractive tool which provides some important opportunities related to NGOs daily work. Not only can it be easily embraced by any type of organisations and individuals, but it can also be used:

  • as an educational tool (especially in training or teaching)
  • to ensure better dissemination, visibility and promotion of various cause
  • as a form of artistic expression (with therapeutic elements), when voicing out ones needs, etc.

Animation in general gives all these options and even more, because data can be transmitted in both humorous (comedy style) and the strict way (purely theoretical), whereas the knowledge seeker can be intrigued by the visual stimulus that the tool conveys. This can significantly increase the odds of remembering the facts and, hence, implementing or using them in the future (thus providing optimum results!). The possibilities here are endless.


The main aim of the training course was to develop capacities of youth organisations in the use of animations as the innovative, non-formal education and dissemination tool. This was achieved by means of implementing the following objectives:

  1. bringing together participants from around Europe and training them in basics animation techniques
  2. discovering the potential of the available ICT and media tools in launching, testing and implementation of animation in youth work
  3. increasing partner promoters capacity to provide creative and innovative solutions to ensure greater visibility and dissemination of our everyday work .
  4. fostering active participation and development of key competences among members and service users of our organisations.

Účastníci boli z Grécka Greece, Lotyšska Latvia, Česka Czechia, Rumunska Romania, Bulharska Bulgaria, Macedónska North Macedonia, Talianska Italy, Španielska Spain a Slovenska Slovakia.

Účasť na projekte

If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:

1. Question:  What is your motivation to participate in the project?
2. Question:  How do you think you will use the knowledge and skills which you gain at this project in your future life?

Prihlasovanie na tento projekt bolo uzatvorené. Momentálne prebieha výber účastníkov.