Europe Goes Rural

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Dátum konania
11/07/2022 - 19/07/2022

Miesta konania
Samobor, Chorvátsko

Typ projektu:

Mládežnícka výmena o podnikaní na vidieku a dôležitosti rozvoja aj týchto oblastí neďaleko hlavného mesta Chorvátska.

More info about the project:

The main aim of the proejct, through the exchange of experiences and examples of good practice from their communities, was to increase participants´knowledge of rural entrepreneurship and encourage them to start new entrepreneuril venture in rural communities. Among other things, the project seeked to show the diversity of european and rural areas, but also ther common European identity and related values.

Participants were from North Macedonia North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia Serbia and Slovakia Slovakia. There were 6 participants from each country.