Dátum konania
01/05/2016 - 31/10/2017
Typ projektu:
Zhrnutie o čom bol projekt:
The previous “Eurobarometer” survey in 2009 identified “alarmingly high” rates of physical inactivity in the EU, and found that the vast majority of Europeans (60%) never exercise or play sport.
Therefore, this project was designed to improve sharing of good practices, priority of Erasmus+ programme, to find and promote good practices from first and second edition of European Week of Sport and to encourage participation in sport and physical activity.
Main objectives, we focused in the project were:
* improved sharing and promotion of good practices in the field of sport and physical activity,
* collection of good practices of the previous editions of European week of sport, collect new ideas for development of new practices
* raise awareness on the added value of sport and physical activities and the importance of health-enhancing effects, increase participation in physical activities and sport by increased number of local actions and events,
* strengthen the cooperation between institutions and organizations active in the field of sport and physical activity, not only inside the consortium, but also at local level in the partner organizations countries.
Activities during the project:
Kick-off meeting was held 28 – 31 July 2017 in Sardinia and from all partner organizations 4 people participated in it.
Local activities
Working on the manuals:
– How to be active every day for kids, (responsible: Hungary),
– How to be active every day for youth (responsible: Italy),
– How to be active every day in school (responsible: Lithuania),
– How to be active every day for working people (responsible: Bulgaria),
– How to be active every day for active aging people (responsible: Poland)
– How to be active every day in the city (responsible: Slovakia),
– How to be active every day in small village (responsible: Croatia),
– Good practice manual of EWoS 2015 and 2016 (responsible: all partners)
Mid-term meeting was held between 12 – 15 July in Lodz, Poland
International Conference was held between 28 September – 1 October in Sofia, Bulgaria and 6 people from Slovakia participated there from different fields.
Website of the project with all results and manuals available: http://sk.eusport.org/
Facebook group of the project where there are around 12thousands people who encourage themselves to #BeActive – https://www.facebook.com/groups/everydaysport/ (JOIN US)