Dátum konania
18/11/2017 - 26/11/2017
Miesta konania
Larnaca, Cyprus
Typ projektu:
feedback od jednej účastníčky:
“Tréningový kurz Youthpass Expanded, ktorého som sa zúčastnila v novembri tohto roku v cyperskom meste Larnaca, bol skutočne skvelou skúsenosťou. Spolu s účastníkmi z ďalším siedmich krajín, s ktorými sme vytvorili výborný kolektív, sme počas jedného týždňa absolvovali množstvo workshopov s niekoľkými školiteľmi na rôzne témy, od leadershipu, cez entrepreneurship, story-telling, až po diskusie o možnostiach zvýšenia viditeľnosti neformálneho vzdelávania. Neoddeliteľnou súčasťou bol medzinárodný večer, na ktorom som prvýkrát vyskúšala tradičné cyperské jedlo a pripomenula si, ako chutí typický litovský čierny chlieb či bulharské ouzo. Pozitívom bolo aj slniečko, teplota niekedy presahujúca 20 stupňov a hotel hneď na piesočnej pláži 🙂 . Ďakujem ADEL za túto skvelú príležitosť, ktorá ma nepochybne osobne i profesionálne posunula, dovolila mi spoznať kopu skvelých ľudí a dodala mi ďalšiu motiváciu, aby sa moje Erasmus+ skúsenosti ďalej rozširovali.” Martina
Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:
Competence development and validation with the YOUTHPASS. The overall aim was promote the recognition of non-formal and informal learning.
YOUTHPASS is the strategy of the European Commission for the recognition of the competences gained by the participants in the different activities grant-ed in the frame of Erasmus+/ Youth in Action Programme. Since 2007, more than 631.000 young people and youth workers or leaders have received a Youthpass certificate, after their participation in more than 45.000 projects implemented by 20.140 different organisations in Europe. Recognition of non formal learning in the youth field is about recognising the work and learning achievements of young people and those active in youth work and youth organisations. As a recognition instrument, YOUTHPASS can be particularly beneficial for young people with fewer opportunities.
Specific objectives
1. Promotion of better use of the EU transparency and recognition tool YOUTHPASS
2. Improvement of the level of key competences and skills of youth professionals
3. Dissemination of good practices in the use of YOUTHPASS.
To learn how to support the young people to enhance the 8 competences validated by YOUTHPASS with our youth projects.
- To understand the importance of YOUTHPASS for young people with fewer opportunities especially those out of formal education.
- To exchange good practices in the use of YOUTHPASS.
- To explore tools to support self– assessment and reflection on learning.
- To develop the quality of youth work, youth training and volunteering in favor of the young people.
- To support the youth professionals and their organisations to promote the validation and certification of non formal learning.
- To identify potential partners in the labour market for the further utilisation of Youthpass.
- To discuss types of activities for which YOUTHPASS could be appropriate beyond the Youth field.
- To increase the visibility of YOUTHPASS.
- To increase the capacity of the partners at international level.
- To promote Erasmus+ .
Účastníci boli z Talianska , Česka , Grécka , Bulharska , Litvy , Rumunska a Slovenska .