From the ECSC to the Green Deal

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Dátum konania
06/08/2022 - 13/08/2022

Miesta konania
Bonzée, France

Typ projektu:

Mládežnícka výmena o životnom prostredí a EÚ vo Francúzsku počas leta. 

More info about the project:

This project funded by Erasmus+ was a meeting of young Europeans from 18 to 30 years old, starting from the question: “Where does the European idea come from? “From August 7 to 14, about 40 young people from 7 different countries (Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania, and France) gathered to look at the path taken from the beginnings of the European construction to the Green Deal, which the EU has recently implemented. They reflected on the questions raised by the ecological transition at the European and global level. These young Europeans met in an evocative place for these reflections: at the “CPIE de la Meuse”, an actor invested in activities related to ecology and environment, located in the middle of a regional natural park, halfway between Verdun and Metz.

This project had the following objectives:
– To bring a better knowledge and understanding of the European construction, from the ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) to the Green Deal.
– To encourage young people to develop their critical mind, by putting into perspective current events, practices in the field of ecology and environment and the different stages of the European construction.
– To become more responsible for the environment and an actor in this field, by acquiring new knowledge and practices in this area.

Through this project, we wanted to bring the participants understanding about how the European Union was built, by putting this in parallel with the evolution of the awareness and the implementation of concrete actions related to the environment. This was also possible through the acquisition of new knowledge related to the environment, proposed by the CPIE de la Meuse, which develops environmental education approaches for all publics. Their know-how in environmental matters was an essential support to the success of this project, as the participants were able to rely on both theoretical and practical bases. We hoped that they will then able, at their own level and in their respective countries, to share what they have learned with other young people and their relatives, with the aim of changing the way people think about issues that are more relevant than ever.

The week’s program addressed theoretical and topical notions related to the environment: climate change, exploitation of resources, agriculture, deforestation… but also the ecological transition and sustainable development, through practical examples: film screenings, documentaries, visits to places where ecological and sustainable practices were implemented, … while putting them in perspective with what Europe implements in relation to this and the evolution of these issues through its construction over the years.

Thus, the participants in this project acquired new knowledge and skills related to these themes. The working language of all participants was English.

Participants were from Italy Italy, Greece Greece, Portugal Portugal, Lithuania Lithuania, Bulgaria Bulgaria, Romania Romania, France France and Slovakia Slovakia. There were 5 participants from each country.