Dátum konania
01/02/2020 - 31/12/2022
Miesta konania
Slovakia, Italy, Malta, Greece
Typ projektu:
“Go On Job” – cieľom projektu bolo vytvoriť online platformu o príležitostiach, ktoré ponúka mladým ľuďom a ktoré prispievajú k zamestnanosti a uplatniteľnosti na trhu práce. Kurz obsahuje rôzne moduly:
▶️prehľad možností;
▶️výber nástrojov na rozvoj a propagáciu samých seba;
▶️príklady projektov v oblasti práce s mládežou zameraných na podporu integrácie mladých ľudí na trhu práce.
Platforma je dostupná tu: https://goonjob.net/
Viac informácií o čom projekt je v angličtine:
The project main output is an e-learning course for youth workers who deal with enhancing Youth Employability. The course is made up of four Modules and you can have the preview to all the contents, lessons by lessons:
- an overview of the opportunities the EU offers to young people searching for a job with a focus on the EURES services;
- A selection of European best practices on youth work activities clearly oriented towards fostering the labour market integration of young people;
- A selection of tools to create a CV, a letter of presentation, a personal book of oneself works etc.;
- a kit of tools to design and release a scheduled promotional campaign on the EURES services to be organised on a yearly base using different channels.
We organized several events in high schools where we promoted Erasmus+ programme and platform.
The partners designed, implemented, evaluated and tested the course by a team project that includes both youth workers with the external collaboration of a selected group of people, including experts of the labour market policies, and organisations representing the project stakeholders.
The project worked in the partnership 4 organisations that belong to different sectors: 1social enterprise located in Malta, 1 Italian SME dealing with social communication and non formal education, 2 youth associations (one from Slovak and one from Greece) that bring to the project their direct experience in the youth field and their relevant network at European level.