Dátum konania
17/03/2018 - 25/03/2018
Miesta konania
Larnaca, Cyprus
Typ projektu:
správa od účastníkov:
Tréningový kurz “Go Digital” organizovaný pod záštitou SEAL CYPRUS sa uskutočnil v Larnake od 18. do 24. marca za účasti mládeže z 8 európskych krajín; Cyprus, Grécko, Poľsko, Česká republika, Nemecko, Bulharsko, Slovenská republika a Estónsko.
Organizácia ADEL bola reprezentovaná tromi účastníkmi.
Hlavná téma projektu bola Digitálne médiá v práci s mládežou.
Školenia pokryli témy ako zodpovedné používanie médií a kritický prístup k spomenutým, digitálne médiá pri manažovaní projektov, propagácia práce s mládežou pomocou sociálnych sietí, dôležitosť schopnosti pracovať s digitálnymi médiami pre mladých ľudí a význam európskeho certifikátu YOUTHPASS.
Zástupcovia mali príležitosť stretnúť sa s Cyperským komisárom pre dobrovoľníctvo a NGO, Yiannisom Yiannakisom, ktorý sa taktiež zapojil do diskusie o dobrovoľníctve na Cypre, prínose mladých ľudí, jeho právnom rámci, o zlepšeniach za posledné roky a budúcich výzvach.
Zástupcovia navštívili “Youth Makerspace” v Larnake, priestor vytvorený mládežnickým výborom Cypru, kde majú mladí ľudia prístup k vybaveniam ako napr. 3D skenery, 3D tlačiarne, roboty, mini procesory a systém virtuálnej reality pre budovanie prototypov a implementáciu ich biznis nápadov.
Stretnutia boli vedené profesionálnymi školitelmi. Aktívnym zapájanim sa prispeli zúčastnení svojimi myšlienkami o digitálnych médiách a ich dôležitosti v práci s mládežou.
Projekt bol podporený európskym programom Erasmus+.
Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:
The emphasis of the project “Go Digital” was on Digital Competences and Media Literacy which are closely related, and both draw on the same core skill of Critical Thinking. Media Literacy focuses on teaching youth to be critically engaged consumers of media, while Digital Competence is more about enabling youth to participate in digital media in wise, safe and ethical ways. Digital Competence and Media Literacy are complementary and mutually supporting and both can prepare the young people to use to digital technologies in a confident, critical, collaborative and creative way to achieve goals related to work and employability and moreover to learning, leisure, inclusion and participation in society.
Young Europeans must not only keep their specific job-related skills up-to-date but also possess the key- competences that will enable them to adapt to change. Digital competence is one of the eight key competences for lifelong learning. As a traversal competence, digital competence helps master other key-competences such as communication, language skills, creativity and innovation or basic skills in math and science. While it is estimated that up to 90% of jobs will require digital skills shortly, the skills gap is already visible: the European Union youth unemployment remains high at 22%, but at the same time there is a lack of skilled digital personnel.
According to a 2014 survey, up to 47% of the EU population has insufficient digital competence, including 23% who has no digital competence at all. Digital Competence levels are lowest in the least educated part of the population. This applies to all immigrant groups. Digital Competences is particularly beneficial to people with disabilities because digital competences can provide:
(a) solutions to many of the employment barriers such as difficulties with transportation, workplace discrimination, and the absence of available jobs in which the individual is skilled
(b) a direct route to achieving the individual’s career goals.
We focus in the Development of Digital Competences as a way to help the young people use digital technologies in a confident, critical, collaborative and creative way to achieve goals related to work and employability and moreover to learning, leisure, inclusion and participation in society. Youth organisations need to support their target groups, in particular, young people with fewer opportunities in becoming more empowered and aware of their employment possibilities through the development of their Digital Competences.
A) To promote the Digital Competence and Media Literacy among the individual participants (youth workers/ volunteers) and the target groups of the organisations
B) To use Information Society Technology (IST) and Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in order raise the effectiveness of youth work.
Účastníci boli z Bulharska , Grécka , Estónska , Poľska , Nemecka , Česka a Slovenska . Z každej krajiny bude po 3 účastníkov.