Heritage for the European Youth

HEY - Heritage for the European Youth
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Dátum konania
09/08/2019 - 19/08/2019

Miesta konania
Alcoutim, Portugal

Typ projektu:

Mládežnícka výmena v dňoch 9 – 19 augusta sa konala v Portugalsku, v meste Alcoutim. Článok z výmeny tu:

Za hranicami vlastnej kreativity

Zhrnutie o čom bude mládežnícka výmena bola:

Aims of HEY youth exchange were:

– to offer young people the opportunity to share experiences on the situation of Culture from the point of view of different European countries.
– to provide tools and methods of expressions & communication like video, audio, design, drawing, dance, theatre and others, to empower young people.
– to enhance the skills and knowledge of youngsters in the field of communication & expression, and how to use them as a tool for promote the culture.
– to exchange of knowledges on “How to Understand Culture”.
– to empower young people to understand the society by providing them different forms of communication & expression, through different workshops:

    • Communication: How to use new technologies to communicate on ourselves. Management of image on social networks
    • Plastic & visual art: How to present our competences on a visual way. Presentation of visual art possibilities for Understanding
    • Street Animation: How to express yourself with animation methods (juggling, clowning,
      etc. …)
    • Dance: How to express yourself with your body
    • Music: How to express yourself with music
    • Theater: How to express yourself with representation

Mládežnícka výmena bola určená mladým ľuďom vo veku 18 – 25 rokov. Účastníci boli z Portugalska Portugal, Talianska Italy, Poľska Poland, Estónska Estonia, Turecka Turkey, Belgicka Belgium, Španielska Spain, Cypru Cyprus, Grécka Greece, Lotyšska Latvia a Slovenska Slovakia. Z každej krajiny bolo po 6 účastníkov.