Hidden Talent

Hidden Talent Erasmus
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Dátum konania
16/09/2018 - 24/09/2018

Miesta konania
Hermanów, Poland

Typ projektu:

Pri otázke ako bolo sa účastníci rozpísali takto 🙂 dôkaz o tom, že za skvelými projektami netreba cestovať ďaleko!

Martin Bože, úplne super 😀 boli sme super partia aj Slováci aj celkovo všetci a aspoň ja teda som si to parádne užil, ťažko sa mi domov vracalo :/ a myslím že nám to niečo dalo aj v tej “vzdelávacej” rovine, poradili ako sa správať na pohovore, ako si spraviť dobré CV a podobne, mali sme dosť tímovej spolupráce takže fakt projekt hodnotím na 1 s hviezdičkou ? a prostredie super, v strede ničoho v prírode pri koňoch, k tomu bazén a sauna, no čo viac treba… ?
Pat Súhlasím s Maťom. Organizátori boli vynikajúci partia, aká sme sa tam zišli bola najlepšia akú som kedy zažil. Ďakujem za možnosť zúčastniť sa na tomto projekte 🙂
Betka Úžasná vec! Ťažko sa mi vrátilo do stereotypneho režimu ? už hľadám ďalšie projekty, dúfam, že po tomto špičkovom nebudem sklamaná ??
Daniela  No za mňa tiež najlepší projekt, nemam čo vytknut a ešte stale som dušou so všetkymi tymi uzasnymi ludmi. Dakujem ze si ma Lucka vybrala za nahradnika:) vela mi to dalo do zivota, aj projekt aj situacie s ludmi, ktorych som tam stretla ?

O čom mládežnícka výmena bola? 

Most young people have a blue print of life hammered into them from a very young age. We go to school, we try to get into the best school, working hard to get into the best universities or colleges and then we have the prestige of a degree and we can find a job. If only it was this simple though. With so many young people competing for the same jobs, a university degree is simply not enough anymore.

We have identified that with the pressures of schools and universities, young people are no longer trying to discover and develop their natural talents. They don’t explore their given talents and try to fit within the norms of modern education. Studies have shown that some people are better equipped, mentally and physically, for certain jobs, so should this not be the focus of their education and training?

Therefore, this youth exchange addressed the subject of youth unemployment from the viewpoint that we need to understand our natural skills and develop these so that we can overcome unemployment by being the best version of ourselves that we can be. We explored the hidden talents that we have and see how these can be used to make us more employable and also to help us find the best jobs based on these talents. We looked at our options when it comes to education, and if we already have an education, see how we can combine our education and our talents to explore our options of the labour market, its needs and how our talents, skills and education can meet these needs.

In addition to the above we also explored the labour markets of our countries and those of the EU, to understand what they need and how we can fit into these needs so that we can increase our chances of employment by meeting the needs of the labour markets.

This youth exchange addressed the challenges of young unemployment in the partner countries with an emphasis of creating better understanding of our hidden talents and understanding the needs of the labour markets and creating a bridge between the two in order to turn young people into skills and employable youth.

Mládežnícka výmena je určená mladým ľuďom vo veku 18 – 30 rokov. Účastníci boli z Belgicka Belgium, Bulharska Bulgaria, Cypru Cyprus, Grécka Greece, Poľska Poland, Rumunska Romania, Turecka Turkey a Slovenska  Slovakia. Z každej krajiny bolo po 5 účastníkov.