Integration Through Sports

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Dátum konania
21/08/2020 - 30/08/2020

Miesta konania
Covilhã, Portugal

Typ projektu:

Mládežnícka výmena v dňoch 21. – 30. augusta , ktorá sa zameriavala na podporu iniciatív pre mladé európske generácie a ktorej hlavná téma bola šport ako metóda a spôsob prekonania nerovností v rôznych oblastiach ako je sociálne začlenenie, rasové problémy či sociálno ekonomické obtiaže.

Viac informácií o čom bola mládežnícka výmena

The Centro Cultural e Desportivo Estrela do Zezere da Boidobra, is one of the oldest association working with sports in the center of Portugal. In this way, the Youth Exchange ITS, aimed to promote initiatives for the young European generations providing a set of best practices nd usable practical instruments to work with young people through methods based on sport. Over time, sport has fundamental role in social inclusion of racial problems, different socio-economic conditions and even poor physical conditions. Thus, throughout the project we plan to develop methods, experimentation of activities and reflection of the results with participants in order to promote, today, the natural and total inclusion in present and future European society.

With the conjuction of creativity, social spirit and obviously sports, the Youth exchange ITS had as main objective the creation of solution-makers and increase youth to a more active role in society of our European youth generation. With extensive experience in sports by this associations, it considers that this youth eychange is the possibility to share these experiences and methods.

Účastníci výmeny boli z Portugalska Portugal, Turecka Turkey, Bulharska Bulgaria,  Rumunska Romania, Grécka Greece, Srbska Serbia a Slovenska Slovakia. Z každej krajiny bolo po 5 účastníkov

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