Know Your Rights – Use Your Rights

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Dátum konania
01/10/2015 - 08/10/2015

Miesta konania
Demänová, Nízke Tatry

Typ projektu:

Mládežnícka výmena „Know Your Rights – Use Your Rights” sa konala v Nízkych Tatrách v dňoch 1 – 8 októbra 2015. Jej cieľom bolo zvýšiť znalosť mladých ľudí o ich spotrebiteľských právach v EÚ, nekalých obchodných praktikách, nekalých podmienok v zmluvách, aspektoch predaja tovarov a záruk atď.

Na mládežníckej výmene sa zúčastnilo 35 mladých ľudí zo 7 krajín, kde informovanosť spotrebiteľov o spotrebiteľských právach je najnižšia podľa spotrebiteľského prieskumu EU – Bulharsko, Cyprus, Grécko, Taliansko, Poľsko, Chorvátsko a samozrejme Slovensko.

Čo budeme hovoriť my, na názor sme sa opýtali samotných účastníkov ktorí zdieľali svoje dojmy z projektu:

– “In my opinion, it was good compilation of working, getting new skills and just great time. I am impressed about energy of Lenka who was very helpful for everybody. In Europe, we know each other so good thanks to the project like this.” Janusz, Poland.

“The organizers were very dedicated and did their best. The project focused on important issues and topical problems of consumer protection. I have been for a dozen of projects and this was among the best.” Ignat, Bulgaria.

– “Overall, it was a very good experience. I think that I had learned a lot and I have become more sensitive about the subject. Also my English has improved, and I have meet interesting people with whom I intend to stay in contact.” Petra, Croatia.

“Erasmus+ was a good experience. We meet new people, we learn things about the project we have, we are traveling to new country, have fun with others, learn from the people about their country. We learn how to be more polite.” Anastasia, Greece.

“The project was fantastic. I have spent best time in my whole life with magical people. They were so open for talking, we listed to each others and tryed to understand other habits and customs. I found a lot of interesting things about Cyprus, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Greece and Slovakia. European Commission should spend more money on project like that because it develops our knowledge and opens minds for other european country.” Marcin, Poland.

“The organisational team has prepared the youth exchange very good – the games that we played were funny, the team of the project was also very well chosen – some of the national teams have prepared very educational but also very entertaining workshops. Moreover, the accommodation was the best among all exchanges that I have been to.” Gergana, Bulgaria.

“I really liked the project and the organizations. I am also very pleased with our leader Lenka who had patience and strength to deal with all questions and demands and that she solved unfair behaviour in the first hotel.”  Ivan, Croatia.

“The project was really great. I have learned new things and got more informed about subjects that I didnt know. It was really helpful and the workshops were funny as well. I have not only learned about consumer rights but I also made new friends and new experiences. And new things I have learned I will definitely use in the application of the European Consumer Center. Learning new things and making new friendds is an amazing experience.” Ioanna, Cyprus.

“I really liked the project. At first I was a little bit scared because I thought that the other participants wont accept me because of my age but I was wrong. I have learnt many things about consumer rights which are in my opinion very important for everyday life. I met loads of nice people and enjoyed my time here as much as I could. I would like to go to more YE and also to help with organization of YE and one day I would like to make an organization as ADEL and write some projects to give young people an opportunity to get new experiences.”  Mirka, Slovakia.

“I had a great first experience of Erasmus+ programmes. It fullfilled most of my expectations and I will never regret doing it.” Despoina, Cyprus

“I really love this project. Accommodation is beutiful. Worskhops was interesting and funny too. Participants are amazing people. I hope I will join the similiar project like this one in the future.” Lucia, Slovakia.

“At first I thought it was a very specific topic – and thats definitely not my field but we managed it so good: I had fund and I learnt something usefull. Best people also. One of the best exchanges ever.” Anonym

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